How are you doing? Well, I hope. Tonight I close at Albertsons. This will be my second time closing. I hope I measure up to the task. Yesterday I left my cigarettes at home. I did fine. I am going to leave my cigarettes at home again. I think by not smoking at work, I will do better at my job. There are reports that the COIVD-19 is on the rise again. This time, it is something called, the "Delta" variant. Some states have already gone back to using mask mandates. Other states are busy working out what they will do for schools. I read some more in my book. The Flying Tigers . The last day of peace for the United States as December 6, 1941. The next day, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. The AVG suddenly had a different mission, from trying to secretly help the Chinese. To actually being participants in the war. the AVG was bro...