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Getting A Haircut

 Today I decided, or rather my Dad decided, for me to get a haircut.  Normally, I go to Great Clips down the street.  But there haircuts have gotten to be to expensive for me.  So, I tried on the base, at Carswell NAS JRB.  I still have my ID.  Plus, the Officer told me, even though I am a nondrilling reservist and I need to keep the grooming standards.

Me, before getting a haircut
As you can see, this picture from June, it being July I really needed a haircut.  I arrived at the base, and parked in the exchange parking lot.  Right as I got to the door for the barbershop, I saw this: 
The barbershop had been temporarily relocated
On the door was a sign telling me where the barbershop had moved to it.  Next to the sign was a map that I didn't notice earlier.  It shows the route to the barbershop, located in building 1506, which is actually the same building as the dining facility.  It took me no time at all to find the Mooreland Hall dining facility.  But I miss read the sign and thought it was across from the dining facility.  Finally, I asked a lady at the optometry which had also been relocated.  So, she pointed me back to the dining facility.  There was actually a couple signs pointing the way, but to make sure I went inside the dining facility and asked.  He said it was at the door with the goat on it.  Ok., I thought.  The Goat Locker (Chief's Mess).  Sure enough: 
The Entrance to the Barbershop
I had finally found where the barbershop was.  It was at an out of the way location, so I expected I would get in pretty quick.  You can see the goat on the door.  I guess that was the Chief's Mess, but now it was functioning as the Barbershop.  It took some real research to find the place.  Here is what I look like now post-haircut: 

Not a bad haircut I would say.  The price was a bit cheaper but with the gas involved I guess I really just broke even.  Oh, I also bought a new wallet.  I don't have a picture of that, but it looks just like any other wallet.  It was a bit of a crazy day trying to get a haircut, but I got it all done before noon.  Well, Now I am ready for a nap.  For lunch I stopped at Braums and tried there limited Spicy Chicken sandwich.  It was pretty good, real spicy I thought too.  So, I got me a drink as well.  After I ate, the Rodeo wouldn't start.  At first I wondered if the battery was dying again.  But the battery was doing fine, because the radio, and AC started, just not the engine.  So, I put the shift into Neutral and tried starting it again.  Sure enough, the Rodeo started right up.  

I am home now.  I got several other pictures which I will share later.  All in all it was a productive day.  I made it onto the base.  I got a haircut, a  new wallet, and re-discovered how to start the Rodeo.   Plus I got some pictures on the base I want to share.  But just the ones I shared there is a lot you can do with them.  For instance, the building number is 1506.  What happened in the year 1506?  is there a form 1506?  Or, why is the Chief's Mess called the Goat Locker?  Why does it have a symbol of a goat on it as well.  Is the door water tight?  The list goes on.  There is even a map in the second picture.


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