I have a Youtube channel. I am not exactly sure what I want to do with it. But lately, I have been trying to attract viewers and subscribers so that I can actually do something worthwhile. I record footage of me playing computer games. Hoping to build a base of viewers. Here is a link to one of my videos:
I recorded the game play because once again, I play a lot of computer games. But I want to do more than play computer games. I would like to make a good Youtube video. I do not have very many videos but I am happy with my channel. I want the theme of my blog to be about me opening up. I think the background theme I chose is a good one for this reason.Eventually, on my youtube channel I would like to make some money. I think I would be good at that. But for now, I will be content with typing in my blog. recording my computer games. Also, I run a pinterest that has gotten some views. I am a Christian Conservative. I grew up this way. My Mom taught me through homeschool. She did not require me to believe anything in particular. But she did introduce me to Rush Limbaugh and Shawn Hannity. I grew up in Puget Sound, Washington. I could have very easily become a liberal. But here in Texas that would just make me a democrat.
According to the Bible, Moses was the only living person to ever see the promised land. Israel has never seen the promised land. The Land of Canaan is not the Promised Land. The Land of Canaan was given as an inheritance to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But that is not the promised land. The exception is Ezekiel did see New Jerusalem. Even Jesus never saw the Promised Land. God allowed Moses to see the Promised land because he was not going to enter the Land of Canaan. Or, the land of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Perhaps he wanted to. Hence, the transfiguration. So, that is a part of the deception. That somehow, the Land of Canaan is the Promised Land. No, don't be mistaken. The Promised Land and the Land of Canaan are two different places. But people want you to think they are the same thing.
Another thing is the pushing of CRT. Or, Critical Race Theory. I see that a lot now. Of course, everyone knows, Critical Race Theory has been taught in schools since the 1980s. Thus, the homeschooling. CRT is just one part of the brainwashing that my Mom wanted me and my brother to avoid, I think. Its tough to disagree with a majority of people, so it seems, who without realizing it, adhere to Critical Race Theory. That everything is about race. Including salvation (religion). So, in CRT all white people are Christians, for instance. Jesus is a white saviour, rather than the saviour of man kind. That is a part of CRT. Not the whole. Along with that, you have Project 1619. Project 1619 teaches that America was founded on and for the purpose of slavery. Which is in opposition to "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness". The God given liberties which are a gift.
Yet, America practices abortion. Many people look at these things, like abortion, slavery, links to paganism, and claim that America is Babylon. But Babylon is Babylon. Rome is Rome. America is America. They say, America is in the Bible, yet they never say where it is that America is in the Bible.
So, I tell people. Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ, is America's one true ally. Friend. Saviour. When we say, Jesus Christ, we mean Friend. Because that is what friend means. Jesus Christ invented friends. Now, I am out of coffee. I just want to say. I believe God has a special purpose for America. We just got to turn from our sins and turn to Jesus Christ. We need to halt abortion, and make sure slavery never happens again. Something about History, is that History repeats itself. I see that everywhere.
When I was in the back working for Fedex. That was my first real exposure to other people after school. Suddenly, my mind began gleaning any History that each person I spoke with told me. They would put me in one trailer. Before I knew it, after absorbing one person's history, I was already in another trailer absorbing someone elses History. It was really eye opening. As i said, the Psychology also helped in dealing with other people. So, I think that all in all things are looking up. It was like people would "light up" with History. They didn't even realize they were doing it.
At Albertsons I still glean history. But it is not as surprising. It helps with conversation a little bit. I need to be careful, history is not politics. Rather, politics is not history. So, I avoid political discussions like the plague and just appreciate any history I get. For instance, that Albertsons first began in 1939. Or that Arlington was established in 1876. Personal History comes up as well.
Me? I personally believe that Christopher Columbus was a Christian who wanted to bring Jesus Christ with him when he discovered America.
Christopher Columbus 1451 to 1506 |
Santa Maria, Christopher Columbus Flagship |
Do I think he was perfect? No. Do I think he was even a Christian? I could not know that without asking him. He was still a human being, and he still had to fulfill the wishes of his employers. For one, one of the things he did was help build a church. Also, it is important to point out that, right after the discovery of America in 1517, Martin Luther penned his 95 theses on the door of the church at Wittenberg.
Martin Luther |
Martin Luther posting his 95 theses |
As soon as there was a place to spread the truth to, the truth actually emerged. That we need Jesus Christ, not the Pope, to save us. I am just trying to share the story. Of course many catholics came over to America too. Even in World History II, I learned about how many of the people left England to flee religious persecution. This was not some big conspiracy to spread the English Empire. But the British Empire did result from it though, because all the people still considered themselves to be English at the time. I am not saying there was NOT a plan to build a British Empire. I am sure there was. England was just in a good spot not to try and build an empire.
The same thing happened in Europe during the Reformation. Where churches were persecuted for not following the national church, or the Catholic church for instance. Similar to the church of England. The Church of Rome and the Church of England are both unique because the English Reformation was said to have begun under King Henry VIII because King Henry did not trust Martin Luther. I read that in an article from school.
King Henry VIII 1509 to 1547 |
While at school, UTA never taught that America is Babylon. Rather, they taught that America is an important country, like Babylon. In that Babylon was used by God to shape the destiny of Israel. Babylon and Rome, are both significant countries mentioned by name in the Bible. Whereas the Bible never talks directly about Alexander and Macedonia. Only in the Maccbees does it talk about the Grecians who were with Alexander The Great and Israel.
It is very rare to meet people it seems who do not believe America is Babylon. People need to wake up and realize America has a special purpose from God. Babylon was founded on false religions where as America was founded on God, and Jesus Christ was the King. It still is that way. But if we do not wake up, and turn to Jesus Christ we might very well end up like the Third Reich. The Third Reich is not mentioned directly in the Bible either, and yet it ended up having a big impact. God will get what he wants from whom he wants. It is God who raises up kings, and God brings the kings down too. That is why Jesus Christ is our king. Our President takes a back row seat to Jesus Christ.
I am not sitting here saying everybody was perfect. That the desire to discover, found, and build America was entirely implicit. No, the countries also needed and wanted resources of America. America was not founded though by Europeans, it was founded by Americans. Read your history. From the beginning, even the Pilgrims, and the Puritans did things which made so that one day America would be an independent nation. Are we a nation of immigrants? yes, but Christian ones.
I believe America's purpose is to spread the gospel. Everything we have is for that purpose. Even our nice wealth that we have, how we all have cars, or houses or food on our tables. That is all for the use of serving God in some way. Not everybody is going to be a missionary of course. God calls us to things, and some he calls to spread the good news. Others he calls to serve him in another way.
Even all of our science, and military has the purpose of spreading the good news. We can be told one thing, but chose to live differently. This was the whole point of Martin Luther. Sometimes, the church was telling people to live one way, but they wanted to chose to live a different way so that they could worship God how they thought best.
I don't have a rosey view of things when it comes to America. I am not a nationalist. But I do believe America has something special that may be beyond spreading the gospel. But I am not sure what that purpose is either. Because of all the negative teaching about America it is difficult for me to actually see what God may want us to do. I suppose that is the purpose of the teaching. So, that America will turn into a Babylon and be forgotten in History. They want to threaten American privilege. People misunderstand about American privilege.
An example of American privilege, is when an American gets captured overseas, they usually are freed simply because they are American. It is confused as "White privilege", and as something internal which allows white people to basically do whatever they want. While other people have to suffer for that privilege. That is, in order for American privilege to work, the people who are "not" American have to suffer. It is a balance thing, they say. Just because you are not white does not mean you do not have American privilege. As someone who has lived overseas, I have seen plenty of non-white Americans whose American privilege was regarded. So, in the end, they will persecute you too. It is more of the deception designed to equate America to Babylon, or Rome. When in fact, Babylon and Rome could co-exist. Yet, they could exist with America. So you would have Rome, Babylon, and America. See how America is a part of the New World. Whereas Babylon and Rome belong to the Old World. Jesus even said, "You cannot put new wine (America) into old vessels (Rome, Babylon) for they will burst". So, somehow Rome and Babylon still exist or will exist again. This may be because they are supposed to be "New Rome" or "New Babylon". With all of the craziness about COVID-19 happening, it seems obvious to me. Rome still exists somehow and will be formally recognized in some way again. Whereas Babylon would need to be rebuilt. Look how chaotic things are in Iraq, which is where Babylon was said to be located. Eventually someone might want to build a New Babylon. I mean, why not? Won't it just get blown up like everything else there. Remember, that Jesus Christ deals with resurrection. Jesus Christ is the resurrected Saviour. He is "The Way, The Truth, and the Life", which is what my Mom always taught. So, it only makes since that Rome and Babylon would be resurrected.
I do believe America can turn into a Rome. Or a Babylon. But in the end, God will still extract what he wants from America. Now, I am going to go write out Ezekiel 33. This is because I saw it listed in a post I saw. I just wonder, what does it say? Well, please enjoy.
Links used in my post:
- https://www.mentalfloss.com/biographies/scientists/617730-christopher-columbus-birth-death-and-voyages
- https://www.history.com/topics/exploration/christopher-columbus
- https://www.dreamstime.com/caravel-santa-maria-ship-christopher-columbus-vector-graphics-isolate-image203444413
- https://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/follow-martin-luthers-footsteps-through-germany-180963481/
- https://www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/carroll/opinion/cc-lt-dayhoff-102917-story.html
- https://www.historyhit.com/facts-about-henry-viii/
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