How are you doing? Well, I hope. Today, I woke up and found a McDonald's Iced Coffee in the fridge. I wonder how it got there?
Well, anyways, yesterday I worked. I opened, but by 1:15 PM (1315) I was off. Not much really happened. I cleaned a spill, and got carts. About 12:30 we had a cart round up. I am off until Wednesday.
After I got off work Scott called. He said he would come over later in the evening, once it cooled down. The heat index registered at 106 degrees Fahrenheit. It was hot. At one point I wanted to get some lunch, but it was to hot.
At about 5 PM Scott and Steve arrived. I am always nervous for some reason but it is exciting to hangout with Scott and Steve. We always have some kind of adventure. We looked at the 2002 Ford Focus standard shift. Then, I asked, "Do you want to get some food?" We settled on McDonalds. We got two large fries, two large iced coffees, five cheeseburgers, and five McChickens. We made it home at 7.
When we got home, my Dad's Toyota Camry was parked by the fire hydrant. That was odd I thought. Maybe my Dad had done that so Scott and Steve could park in the drive way. "That was polite", I thought. Well, we went inside. My Dad came in from the backyard. He explained that the Camry was having some transmission issues. He wanted to move the Ford Focus out of the way of the Kia Spectra so he could pull it out of the garage and drive that for Uber, while he gets the Camry fixed. I quickly moved the Rodeo out of the way of the Ford Focus and parked it across the street. I went back in and grabbed another sandwich. I was hungry, and this "adventure" was stressing me out. Steve moved there Corolla, "Big Red", as Scott calls it, next to the mailbox. Dad wanted Steve and Scott to help him back the Ford Focus out. Well, when they went to back the Ford Focus out, the steering wheel was locked on the Focus. So, they pushed it back to the edge of the drive way. Then, my Dad backed the Kia out.
After my Dad backed the Kia out, into the drive way. Me, Scott, and Steve, pushed the Ford Focus back toward the garage. We were going to park the Focus in the garage. But because the steering wheel was locked, Dad didn't want to risk the car hitting the bricks on the right side. Instead, he began working on the Spectra. To get it ready to be inspected. Not sure what is wrong with it. But the "check engine" light is on, and the parking break was not working. So, I think he got the parking break working. Now, he has to get the check engine light to stay off.
Well, we went back inside and I started to feel tired. So, I took my medicine and went to sleep. I slept all night. I guess opening made me pretty tired. I didn't even play a computer game. I felt bad because I had gone to sleep while Scott and Steve were over. I figured Scott and Steve might never come over again. I had felt tired and sick. The car adventure I was not expecting it. But the next day, I found this in the fridge:
As you can see I have been drinking it. But it was completely full when I first saw it. You can imagine my surprise when I saw it, sitting in the fridge. The first drink was so refreshing. Because I normally do not drink iced coffee, it sure took me a bit to get this far in it. It was like God knew just what I needed right when I needed it. So, He moved Scott and Steve's hearts to leave me an iced coffee for in the morning. Maybe I will have to go get another McDonald's Iced Coffee. I sure am enjoying mine now. After last night's adventure I sure needed it.
I just let Max out. After I found my Iced Coffee in the fridge, I realized God had been good to me. So, I made sure to give Max his treat. He seemed to appreciate it. It was beef and cheddar cheese for him. Because God was good to me, I made sure to be good to Max. With COVID still going around, these days are tough. So, I was glad to be able to give Max his treat as well as having a a treat myself.
Speaking of COVID. I have a video to share. But it is on Rumble instead of YouTube. So, I can only share the link and hope you follow it to learn something going on about COVID "Delta" variant. I promise, the link is just a video. They are trying to force the Vaccine for "COVID". They want to use "mandates" to force the vaccines. I say "the vaccine" but there is more than one vaccine. The Food and Drug Administration has not approved any vaccines for COVID yet. Although, vaccines are available. I really think this video might be a trap. For one, it is on Rumble. For another, the video cannot be shared.
The Vaccine
I do not believe the vaccine is the "mark of the beast". For one, the "mark" is something you "take on". Not something you "take in". But I am not getting the vaccine. It is fine if you want to get it though. For one, the vaccine is taken "in" the arm. Another reason, is that in order for it to be "the mark of the beast", you need "the beast" to appear. So that people may "wonder after the beast" and take his mark. It describes the beast as a he, not an "it". So, the "beast" is something out of Revelations, and we need to stay out of Revelations. But I was just sharing my thoughts on the vaccine.
All of my life I have been given vaccines. Whether I wanted them or not. Finally, in 2004 on the USS Juneau (LDP 10) I had a reaction to the "small pox" vaccine. I actually have the entire series of the "Anthrax" vaccine. But I decided not to get this vaccine. Some of the information I have heard on COVID has made it seem like you cannot be vaccinated, as well. It might be bad information, but I have to wait and see, so I need to finish school so I can research the vaccine myself. I am not saying to get the vaccine. Nor am I saying NOT to get the vaccine. I am just sharing my thoughts, and why I am not getting the vaccine. Maybe the vaccine works, maybe it does not.
The Flying Tigers
I have not made much more progress in The Flying Tigers. The pilots are training in the fall of 1941. They had there first casualty in a mid-air collision. The pilots are training at a place called Toungoo. Despite there fears of dying, the pilots press on and continue to their training. The AVG pilots want to be well trained before they face any Japanese planes in combat. They are practicing there shooting and flying, preparing for war.
I asked my Mom how she was doing. She finished her journey home last night. Now, Mom and Joey are out for lunch. I guess Joey had off. He works some crazy hours at JPS.
I am going for a tour of UTA tomorrow. I invited my Mom as a guest, I can invite up tot two guests. I want to show that I really do want to return to college and finish my degree.
I don't think my Mom expected me to invite her. But I gave her a way out. I suggested coming over to visit after my tour. I know it will be hot, so I am saving my energy for tomorrow. I plan to bring a note book. A part of the reason to take the tour is to research my re-admission to college. I wish I could bring you along, there are so many neat things on campus. But who knows, maybe there is something I missed. It never gets old, wandering onto campus.
I was just watching a video, about what President Trump had to say. About how if America was attacked, we will do things that have never been done before. I am now a member of "Trump 2021". I hope Trump runs again, or comes back into power. Either way is fine with me. God chose Trump, and America for a special purpose to do with Israel. Let me show you a Trump video which can be shared:
This video, by "The Black Conservative Patriot" on YouTube is alleging that Vice President Pence wanted to go to war prior to Sleepy Joe taking office. Mr. BCPT wanted us to remember this name: Alexandra Chalupa who is alleged to have "concocted" the "Russian metaling" narrative, which according to BCPT plagued Trump throughout his Presidency. According to Wikipedia she is :
Alexandra Chalupa is an American who was co-chair of the Democratic National Committee’s Ethnic Council. She is also the founder of the political consulting firm Chalupa & Associates, LLC. Chalupa is a pro-Ukrainian activist.
This is just to identify the person, who is called a "democratic operative". She joined twitter September 2012.
I am just sharing this information so you can understand the background behind the whole "Russian metaling" accusations against Trump. The democrats, five years later, are still going on with this false narrative. Trump was elected by a majority of 63 million votes. Remember, your vote does count, you are accountable to God for whom you vote for.
I wanted to share another video which stuck out to me. This one is about the vaccine and Israel. Even Israel is trying to have a vaccine mandate, requiring a negative test, and quarantine if the person is not vaccinated.
Well, that is all for now. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog. I enjoyed writing it. I do not write for money or anything, all of it is for free. If you enjoy reading what I wrote, I give thanks to God for my abilities to write. Everything I write is from the Heart. I believe Trump, and the United States have a special connection to Israel. One day, God is going to bring his people Israel to the Promised Land, and we will never see them again. The video mentioned Jesus, so I felt that the second video was worth sharing. Even though it demonizes Israel. Long live Israel, God bless the USA! #Trump2021
Rhetorical Writing Triangle I wanted to run an advertising campaign. To test out the features of pinterest business mode . I chose this Rhetorical Writing Triangle to advertise. The campaign has generated 61 clicks. It is clear, I do not know what I am doing. But I am interested in learning so I could help out and maybe make some money. It is clear, many people want to learn about Rhetorical Writing. Yet, do they even teach it in school? I have no idea. I was home schooled. But I did attend Christian Liberty Academy. I remember some of there Grammar involved Essay writing. Book reports too.
To make my last post about politics. All I wanted to do was share the story about me, and my friend Scott and Steve who had an incredible adventure helping my Dad with his car. Instead, I delivered a rant like no other. Sure, I included some history. But not as much as I wanted to. I get much more from reading history, than I do from following politics. But I still just wanted to lay out how I feel about things. Especially, considering the vaccine. Even discussing the vaccine has been rendered political. People, it was Trump who released the vaccine. Nobody should be forced to get the vaccine. But people should consider getting the vaccine. When you consider the source, Trump, you realize that the vaccine is probably ok. If it was the mark of the beast as you call it, then you wouldn't be able to get it without worshipping the beast. We live in America, not Babylon. This is a part of the deception....
I don't really know the history of the Carter Family. For all I know, they are related to Jimmy Carter. But I like this song! I first heard it in the film O Brother Where Art Thou? when I saw the film in the theater. But unfortunately, the film featured George Clooney who came out against Trump. So, I put off listening to this song, until I saw the Carter version of it. I know of June Carter- she married Johnny Cash!
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