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Hope You Are Having a Good Day

     How are you doing?  Well, I hope.  Tonight I close at Albertsons.  This will be my second time closing.  I hope I measure up to the task.  Yesterday I left my cigarettes at home.  I did fine.  I am going to leave my cigarettes at home again.  I think by not smoking at work, I will do better at my job.

    There are reports that the COIVD-19 is on the rise again.  This time, it is something called, the "Delta" variant.  Some states have already gone back to using mask mandates.  Other states are busy working out what they will do for schools.  

    I read some more in my book.  The Flying Tigers.  The last day of peace for the United States as December 6, 1941.  The next day, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.  The AVG suddenly had a different mission, from trying to secretly help the Chinese.  To actually being participants in the war.  the AVG was broken up.  One squadron, the Third Squadron went to help the RAF in Burma.  While, the First and Second Squadrons flew to China to help protect against Air raids in Kunming, China.  

    According to Yahoo News, Texas is being sued over immigration by the Federal Government.  Governor Abbott ordered National Guard troops to the border, and signed an executive order regarding immigration on July 28, 2021.  The migrants are testing positive for COVID-19, not withstanding the Delta Variant.  None of them have been vaccinated.  Still, the Biden administration insists on allowing the migrants in, even transporting them from Texas to other communities.  The Federal lawsuit began on Friday, 30 July, 2021.  We definitely need to prevent the illegals from coming in.  With COVID-19 being such a big crisis you'd think the Federal Government would do something to help prevent the migrants from spreading COVID-19. 

    Speaking of 30 July.  Today, Was my cousin once removed Ethan and his wife Mary Grace wedding anniversary.  According to my Aunt Janet, instead of going out, they had a baby instead.   The baby was a girl, they named her Amayah.

    The other day I saw this title at work.  Notice, the book is co-authored by Bill Clinton and James Patterson.  This kind of thing is exactly why I support President Trump.  James Patterson writing a book along side Bill Clinton?  This has to do with the money, no doubt.  Notice the image on the cover is of a Black Hawk helicopter.  It makes me think of the film Black Hawk Down.  Also, the title of the book is The President's Daughter.  
This year, Rush Limbaugh died.  So, it is important to note that as well, when it comes to Bill Clinton.  No one was on Bill Clinton's case like Rush Limbaugh so this says a lot.  I miss Rush Limbaugh, he always had a good perspective.  Rush Limbaugh died February 17, 2021 in Palm Beach Florida.  Rush was aged 70 when he died.  
    I just saw an article where Tucker Carlson was blasted as "the worst human".  This is actually a throw back to Bill O'Reilly, who would have a segment on his show about the "Worst human" alive.  It is interesting to see Tucker Carlson get so much flack for being conservative.  Anymore, it is not safe to be conservative.  For one, there is a stereotype that conservatives are not being vaccinated.  But this just is not true and serves as propaganda by the left.  
    Speaking of Propaganda.  The persecution of Christians is on the rise like never before.  Even in Columbia, an American nation, now there is persecution against Christians in that country.  I do everything I can to raise awareness of the persecution of Christians in other countries.  But I do believe persecution against the church in the United States has begun.  Even though religion itself is not restricted.  During the COVID shutdown, churches were forbidden to meet.  So, what they did was host online worship services.
The shutdown of 2020, was really a testing phase for the persecution of the church in North America.  Churches remained open, and those that did were fined.  But mean while, other events carried on such as riots and protests with no social distance, some were not even wearing masks.  One of the things they have done, is use race as a bullying tactic.  Everything right now is about race.  
My dad says it is about "100 degrees" outside.  It definitely is hot out.  I cannot believe how hot it is.  To hot to even get food.  I should let Max back inside.  


The purpose of my blog, is like that of a journal or a diary.  I write the little things in here, and keep track of my own personal history.  I include my personal views.  Including that Jesus Christ is my saviour.  Jesus Christ!  Jesus Christ, is America's one true ally.  Friend.  Saviour.  When we say, Jesus Christ, we mean "Friend".  But mostly i keep personal notes here.  Today, I found a notebook and folder for Math 1319.  I wonder what UTA's equivalent course might be.  Math is all common core in Texas.  I will ask Nancy, my advisor when I have a chance.  Maybe to I could talk to the Veterans Assistance Center.  But one thing I will do with my blog is raise awareness of the persecution of Christians.  I commit to pray for the persecuted Christians around the world.  With my blog, I will do my best to share there story.   


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