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My Medicine

 I re-ordered my medicine through the VA.  Still waiting for one of them, and I had to order another one.  So, it is just a waiting game right now.  I hope I will get my medicine soon.  The medicine is helping.  But I want to go off of my medicine.  I am ok now.  I want to finish my service with the Navy.  I want to serve well.  

Today I work only a few hours from 3:30 to 8:30.  Perhaps I will be off tomorrow.  A new schedule comes out today.  I check it online, but never see anything.  I take a picture of the schedule so I can check it on my phone.  Then I also memorize the schedule.  Don't want to miss work.

I do have a picture today.  

Me, enjoying a cigarette and coffee
Once I get my coffee and cigarette I can write so much better.  I get slow in the morning, and this helps wake me up.  Yes, its Folgers Coffee.  I drink my coffee plain, these days.  

Anyways, I am sharing that photo because a friend of mine came under fire for drinking to much coffee.  Now, you can see I drink coffee, yes.  I also smoke.  

I read more of The Flying Tigers.  The AVG is beginning to train, it is fall of 1941.  The New York Yankees and Brooklyn Dodgers are playing the World Series.  War is far from the minds of the American people, at this juncture.  Colonel Chennault is training his men both mentally and physically to become good pilots.  Many of the pilots had never flown the P-40 before.  Now, some of them love flying the P-40.  

To help his men lose weight, from enjoying the dining of there transpacific crossing, Colonel Chennault has them PT.  He plays baseball with them as the pitcher.  Very fascinating stuff to read about.  The training at Toungoo is not as luxurious as there crossing of the Pacific was.  The pilots and crew even got to become Shell Backs, as they crossed the line at the equator.  Some of the pilots had been Naval aviators, used to flying big planes.  So, when they flew the P-40 for the first time, some of them were nervous about landing the plane thirty feet in the air, instead of on the ground.  

My brother just showed up, David.  He is buying a car for Jacob.  We are going to store it at the house.  It is a 2002 Ford Focus that he bought.  My brother brought his new Toyota: 

I am sure he won't mind if I take a picture of it
Anyways, I will try and get a picture of the Ford Focus being towed by the Rodeo.  Not sure when that will be.  Hopefully, sometime before work.  

Now that it has stopped raining, sounds across the neighborhood are buzzing.  Sounds like someone is using a buzz saw.  Another is using a chainsaw, it looks like they are removing a tree down the way.  Poor tree.  

I began to re-apply to UTA.  I want to return to college.  I intend to finish my Bachelor's in History degree, and if I can attain a teaching certification.  After my experiences at FedEx and Albertsons I want to finish my education.  I just finished re-applying to University of Texas at Arlington for the Fall Semester 2021.


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