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The Coming Persecution

Luke 8:3 "Joanna, whose husband Chusa was Herod's administrator; Susanna; and many other women.  They provided financial support for Jesus and His disciples" 

I believe the persecution of the church has already begun in America.  This persecution is not going to be like that experienced by those in Africa, or in the Middle East, or China.  The persecution will be from within, about, underneath, and from above even.  It will be something where even your personal life will be under review to see if you are living "righteously".  Under the microscope so to speak.  That is what is meant when they say "zombie apocalypse", because the church fought to remain open and continued to teach during the lockdown.  The wicked ones do not tolerate any kind of deviation from scripture.  Not only will they use the Bible, but they will use those "missing" books from the Bible to inflict doubt.  They will attack anyone who worships Jesus Christ by claiming another is the saviour.  Over and over again.

Luke 8:8 "After He said this, He called out, 'Let the person who has ears listen!"

I cannot express the complexity of this attack with mere human words.  Just know, it will be shocking.  But remember that Jesus Christ will be with the church in its persecution.  They will be accused of crimes they could not have committed.  History shows, this has happened before.  But unlike before, this will be a concerted effort.  This kind of persecution is what I call "Not persecution" because it does not resemble anything that we think of.  Though, eventually it will be something to see when they move from this "not persecution" to what we think of as "persecution".  Remember to count living as Christ, and dying as gain.  Without Christ there is no gain.  This is what Paul wrote in Philippians.  

The Persecution will be physical yes.  But the real threat is the spiritual.  The internal, intrinsic.  You won't be able to see the attack until it is over.  Even images will be used to persecute and cause doubt.  You will know, the persecutor will know, but you won't have the "proof" of it to confront the attack.  

Another form of attack.  Disinformation will be used.  To make the church look ridiculous.  Oh, sure you can go to church.  Going to church is fine.  But if you follow the church at all, you will look silly, because the church will have bad information almost all the way through.  Little rays of truth will shine from scripture, however.  This is why they want to undermine the Bible as much as possible.  Or even provide a substitute to the Bible, something not of the truth.  But require the church to teach it anyways.  

Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.  

It is already happening.  They are now focused on John MacArthur who is a diligent man of God.  He defied the lockdown and kept his church open even in the face of fines of up to $1000 per day.  He somehow figured out he could keep his church open without penalty.  yet, they still gave him a fine.  How did he find this out?  Who withheld this information from the other churches so that they to could remain open.  Or, who lied to John MacArthur in an attempt to make him look ridiculous.    Instead of looking ridiculous, he looked brave to many people.  Like a freedom fighter in San Diego, California.  They even have the exact day that he made a joke, and ripped into him.  The wolves are hungry, and they risk looking stupid themselves by attacking John.  But they are motivated.  

My passion for the persecution of the church is very high.  it important to always spread the knowledge of the persecution of the church in other countries.  these stories of bravery in the face of sheer hate, are a return on America's work in spreading the gospel.  Many of them go without basic needs being met.  

This persecution will boil out into a situation where you have people not able to function on somedays.  For now, Texas continues to resist the persecution.  But some of the persecution will affect businesses which operate outside of Texas.  I wear a mask.  But I believe even the mask is a symbol of persecution.  A time will come to ditch the mask, and to end social distance as well.  Good job Governor Abbott on remaining firm.

The persecution will be complex.  That is, instead of having a sword thrust in your face, you may have a Bible thrust in your face.  The favorite weapon of the enemy is shutdowns.  But keep in mind, they use the term "lockdown" as well, which may be something different.  I can picture it now- the church service has started.  All amidst the shutdown.  The government notifies the church mid service that they have violated the shutdown and issues them a large fine.  They will use technology, as well i fear.  

How will they use the technology/  To plan attacks.  Also to determine what we like.  Do all the Christians drink Dr. Pepper?  If yes, then they will "run out" of Dr. Pepper.  They will switch the print, or even the color of objects to make them less appealing.  Just remember its the same product.

I began this article on 8/5/21.  It is now 5/31/2024.  Right now- they are focused on Trump, persecuting Trump through prosecution, along with Alex Jones, and anyone who speaks up.  Do not be fooled- this is NOT just about republicans or DemoKKKrats.  It is about Jesus.  The right to worship Jesus is even now, under assault.  Churches are the main targets.  Rather than worshippers.  But that will come too!

First, the persecution will be internal, but eventually it will become physical.  It will be popular too.  Billed as "The White Genocide" (Jihad) but do not be fooled- there target is anyone who calls on the name Jesus.  They will make Rome look tolerant, by comparison.  Rome persecuted believers for NOT worshipping the Emperor.  America will persecute believers FOR worshipping Jesus.  The true Jesus- who asks us to "sin no more".  

Revelations 21 The One sitting on the throne said "I am making everything new."

I lived in Everett, Washington for eight months.  While I was there, I was amazed at how diligent the church and Bible studies were.  It was refreshing, and a time to be around God's people- on almost a daily basis.  What a blessing.  I pray for those people in Washington, that they will remain steadfast during the coming persecution.  Thank you all, for your prayers!

I will include in this message the song "Awesome God" by Rich Mullins.  This is the song I have often mentioned.   

Each day that Goes by, I am more convinced that Jesus is going to return soon.  That is why I quote Revelations.  As you can see, I have quoted various scriptures in here, and this is because I believe everything we do needs to be rooted in God.  His Word, the Bible, is our only real communication from God, and it is this book which gives us the hope of Jesus.  Do you understand about Jesus death and resurrection?  Jesus Death is the forgiveness of sin.  Jesus resurrection, is the seal of the promise of our own resurrection, IN Christ Jesus.  God bless you!  I will write again soon.


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