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I believe Jesus Will Return Soon!

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Here, Billy Graham discusses the Devil, demons, and witchcraft.  He describes how witchcraft is growing in popularity, not just in the United States but in Great Britain as well.  Jesus can free us.  It has to be done in the name of Jesus Christ.  He says we need to have discernment when it comes to whether a demon is afflicting us.  A true believer in Jesus Christ cannot be possessed by a demon.  The Devil filled Judas.  So, be sure that you know Jesus!  
By seeking first the kingdom of God, we will gain Jesus.  Which is more than we could ever hope for.  Jesus is a blessing from God.  He died for our sins.  He rose again, so that we might one day, have life again.  Remember, each day is a blessing from God.  So, use it whisely, and turn to Jesus.  I believe Jesus will return soon! 


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