The author of this video, says the return of Jesus is imminent. But I think the return of Jesus was imminent the moment He left earth. I would say that this means He could return at anytime. When Jesus returns, He will return with His angels. Church is Online now. Also, remember, the Pharisees knew the scriptures, but did not know Jesus. The Bible makes it clear, they should have known who Jesus was.
The author of the video begins talking about the AntiChrist, and the rapture. Why do people always read into the negative? Lets recognize, that technology has made it so we can access God's word on our phones- we can hear sermons online. People are listening to sermons online too. I see it, because I listen to sermons online. I believe people are yearning to learn the truth, and not just what is taught in Church. Thats why I say, Church is Online. God took what was meant for evil, and turned it to good. Just like He said He would do, in the Bible.
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