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Is Jesus Returning?

    The seas are restless.  Fires in Europe.  Flooding too.  Job 37:13 God brings the weather for punishment or mercy.  Eastern France experiences extreme temperature drop, with tornado like conditions.  Causing flooding even in Paris, and 100 mile an hour wind gusts.  Psalm 107: 33-34 33 "He turns rivers into wilderness and watersprings into dry ground; 34 A fruitful land into barreness, For the wickedness of those who dwell in it".  Crops dry up in Hungary.  A farmer is unable to feed his flock.  The Colorado River shrinks, and the lakes which feed into the river are shrinking, as the drought in the Western United States continues.  Flooding in Thailand.  When will people take Jesus seriously?
    Is the rapture upon us?  Is Jesus returning for His sheep?  That is what The Watchman on YouTube is suggesting.  They say that we are in the birth pains for the return of Jesus Christ.  The watchman argues that the return of Christ is imminent.  That the things going on, climate change, drought, flooding, restless seas, and so much more, are part of the signs of the return of Jesus Christ.  "Look up into the heavens for your redemption draws near".  Get ready!
    I really like the The Watchman's videos.  He always reports the news, but never interjects his own personal opinion.  Which is so refreshing.  Instead, Watchman, quotes from scripture to argue that all these things are a sign of the return of Jesus.  His videos are both an encouragement and an admonishment to follow Christ, even as the times become tougher, arguing that Jesus is returning.  
    Watchman uses different news sources.  From Al Jazeera to CBN, even on occasion Fox News, to share all that is going on and to give the big picture.  There is just so much death and destruction, Watchman argues, that this must be the end.  The Watchman does a thorough job of describing why he thinks this is the end times.  At least in my mind.  
    Anyways, I just wanted to share this.  In my mind, Watchman is an essential source for these days.  You just never know what is going to happen.  Earlier in the week, I saw several Facebook reels talking about a draft.  I guess they all got taken down.  They want to try and take us by surprise, with draft notices.  But I am in the Navy Reserves so I won't be drafted.  But still, for others who might be affected I included my observation here.  This draft, I think, will not be restricted to just men, but women too.  They say we will be at war with China and Russia, in the news.  
    I was dumped.  Lady Raven dumped me.  She no longer wants anything to do with me.  I am going to respect her wishes and move on.  I wish her all the best.  She called me a liar.  I am not a liar.  I really am in the Navy Reserves, and I really was active duty.  I wish Lady Raven would not call me a liar.  So that our break up could at least be friendly.  I don´t like bitterness.  Being called a liar fills me with bitterness and sadness.  She won´t say how I lied.  She just says she doesn´t believe I am in the Navy.
    That makes two I need to move on from.  First, Steph, then Lady Raven.  What about Melissa?  
What about the Queen?  My keyboard is messing up again.  I will just keep on writing.  I must be onto something.  My keyboard always messes up when I am onto something.  It was typing just fine, three paragraphs before.  I should write about both Melissa and The Queen i my blogs.  I bet those two would appreciate it.  
    Today, someone wished me the peace of Jesus Christ upon me.  Thank you, for that.  It means a lot, as I am going through a tough time.  That is partly why I keep my blogs.  To document the hard times.  But I can include the grace of Jesus Christ in my writings.  It is very neat that someone wished me the peace of Christ.  I have felt it all day.
    I am autistic.  So, I think that is partly why I carry on about these women.  Most people would just move along by now, but Trump says, ¨Never give up!¨.  I have never been able to give up on Steph.  It is actually Lady Raven though, that I am struggling with right now.  The loss of Lady raven was a shock.  I always thought Lady raven was solid.  I guess God knew, I needed the peace of His Son today.  That is why I want to share another pointless blog postMy keyboard keeps on messing up.  I guess that is what you get for buying a Chinese built keyboard. 
    Even though I carry on about these different ladies, I for the most part, leave them alone.  But I sure do miss them.  At one time or another, they really helped out, and were a special part of my life.  They tolerated me, and accepted me and my "interests".    
    I made another pot of coffee.  With my Dad out of town for a few days, I find myself a little unsure.  Earlier, I bought pizza.  But it seemed strange eating alone.  I have for all these years, shared pizza with my Dad.  So, that my Dad is out of town is also on my mind.  Oh, and I smoked a cigarette.  I don´t seem to be able to cut that out, smoking.  Smoking is kind of my habit I guess.  I don´t drink.  I don´t smoke Marijuana, or do drugs.  I have never even had sex.  I was just never interested in exchanging bodily fluids.  Disgusting.  
    I like the book of Job in the Bible.  I like it because, of all the discourse in it.  Imagine the blog post Job could write.  Anyways, I wanted to include something from that book: Job 42: 1 Then Job answered the LORD, 2 Ï know that you can do everything and that your plans are unstoppable.  3 "You said, ´Who is this that belittles my advice without having any knowledge´"?  See that, how even Job doubted God.  Even Job was unsure of why he was suffering.  But he did understand that God knew.  He did acknowledge that God knew he was suffering, and that in the end God had a purpose in it: "Yes, I have stated things I didn´t understand, things too mysterious for me to know".    God never says why Job had to suffer but God does forgive Job and his friends for doubting Him.  
    Well, I think that is it.  Thank you for reading my blog.  I enjoyed writing it, even if no one reads it.  But when someone reads it, I feel special, and I feel like we connected somehow.  As someone else said, and I cannot remember who, may the peace of Jesus Christ go with you.  Thank you.


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