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A History Note From The U.S. Naval Institute.

     I was browsing Facebook.  I am in a writing mood.  So, I decided to include a post from the U.S. Naval Institute on my blog.  It is about the aiguillette. Here is quote from the Naval Institute:

Theories about the origin of the ornamental cord known as an aiguillette state that it was intended to either carry a pencil, be used as a tether for horses, hold a needle to clear the touch hole on guns, or serve as a hangman's rope. It probably started as lacing used by knights to fasten plate armor.


Here is a photograph of the aiguillette

     I remember my Recruit Division Commanders (RDC)(s) wearing those.  But they were red.  I always wonder what the red meant.  I remember some were green, too.  I just knew that the red meant that they were able to train recruits.  

    They trace everything back to knights.  For example, the hand salute, is said to originate from the days of the knights as well.  So, I wonder what is up with that.  Interesting bit of history and tradition.  

    Today, I got my laundry done.  After I put my laundry in the dryer I went to go eat.  I even stopped to buy ice cream at the store.  When I got back, the laundry was still going.  So, I ate some ice cream.  I am so glad that I did.

    Max was delighted to see me, when I got back.  We still had some pizza left.  So, y Dad told me that I could give him some pizza we had left over.  I cut it up, and put it in the microwave for him.  I think he enjoyed it.    I didn't give Max any ice cream.  I mixed it with chocolate syrup.  That is the reason.  But at least Max got some pizza.  

    The white hunt against President Trump continues.  

Trump pleaded the Fifth more than 440 times during his deposition in New York, answering only a question about what his name is, NBC reports

    Above is the title of an article by Insider.  The author was Cheryl Teh.  Just another article, where anything Trump does is scrutinized.  Here is an example: 

  • Trump in 2018 railed against pleading the Fifth, saying only "the mob" did that.

    Yet, here the author writes 

During his deposition in New York on Wednesday, former President Donald Trump pleaded the Fifth more than 440 times, NBC News reported, citing a person with knowledge of the deposition.

Whatever Trump does, they always are on his case.  No matter what good things he has done for the American people.  It is time for people to wake up.  The media doesn't care about you, Biden doesn't care about you.  Trump is under fire because they are afraid he will run again in 2024.  Trump was elected and Biden was selected.  I used to have a meme I would share, that was from the dominion servers, before they shut them down.  Trump had 410 electoral votes, and most of the west coast.  Tump did jobs for America that needed to get done.  He managed to get North Korea's dictator to the table to discuss nuclear weapons.  Trump recognized Jerusalem has Israel's capital.  Trump weaponized the Ukraine.  Trump ended our "fur"ever war in Syria.  Trump initiated a good withdrawal from Afghanistan, not the fiasco that ensued.  At this point, anybody who doesn't support Trump is a government shill.  



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