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    I am sharing another video.  This one is from the "Watchman" on YouTube.  I enjoy it when he quotes scripture.  It makes me feel at peace.  Even though the scriptures he quotes are speaking about disturbing events.  Surely, I am not the only one who finds comfort in the scriptures.  I enjoy hearing the scriptures while I write.  
    I Don't have much to share right now.  Other than my amazing weekend with Steve and Scott.  Steve is the oldest of the twins.  I enjoy hanging out with them.  It was a good time, where we rode dirt bikes, and a riding lawn mower.  I explained that my disability really comes out when I ride a dirt bike, or motorcycle.  So, I just rode the riding lawn mower.  It was relaxing to ride the riding lawn mower.
    The watchman is discussing Jeremiah the profit.  Warning of the coming judgement on the world.  The watchman addresses lawlessness.  Another school shooting in Greenville, South Carolina.  More random acts of violence.  Something is changing in our world, says the watchman.  The murder of an off duty policeman in Houston.  The shooting was over a Catalytic converter.  The Sheriff's deputy was described as a hero, who loved his own family.  
Another shooting in New York.  Another mass shooting in Sacramento, California.  It has the President calling for gun control.  This shooting was probably staged, it was treated differently from the other shooting in South Carolina.  These are the signs, according to the Watchman, of living in the end times.  The wickedness of man was great, during the time of Noah.  But Noah found grace in the sight of God.  Noah was perfect in his generations.  Upright.  
    Lots of severe thunderstorms in the eastern part of the United States.  This included tornadoes in Florida, strong winds in Pennsylvania.   Somalia is hit by yet another drought.  Even the Livestock is dying, because there is no water for them.  5 million people, a third of the population, are affected by the drought.  None of the droughts have been as bad as this, all the way from the Ethiopia border, to the sea.  
    Wars and rumors of wars.  An attack on a fuel depot inside of Russia, by Ukrainian forces.  Twenty miles from the Ukrainian border. More atrocities committed by Russians.  It is being called genocide.  Along with adults, children were killed.  I really felt informed by this video.  Even though some of the news stories are old.
    All of these things going on are happening so fast.  Each event has an impact.  There is no hiding that this is the end of civilization in some sense.  Is this the return of Christ?  Many think it is.  Yet, others claim this has happened before in history, where people got worked up thinking the Lord was coming back.  The Bible says to be ready.  After all, He will come as a thief in the night, it says.  So, we need to be ready.  At all times.  The return of Christ is the most important event in History since the resurrection of Christ.  So, it is highly anticipated by the church.
    Speaking of the church.  I think i is important to point out.  Christian persecution is on the way, in America.  I feel it is not far off.  The church will be right along side the persecutor.  Actions produce results.  The church is currently ignoring persecution, so naturally, the next step will be to participate.  So, when the persecution begins don't look to the church- look only to Jesus Christ.  I really feel it.  The coming persecution will blow peoples minds away.  America, the land of religious liberty, the land of the Puritans will pick up the sword, and persecute the church.  Then, America will found its own church.  The church of America.  As a way to control, and reign in the church.  See how the church as it is will be betrayed by our government in someway.  Left to hang, holding the ball after the window is smashed, as some might say.  The church will be blamed, but will the church be blameless.  Wakeup America!  Persecution of a major scale is happening in other parts of the world.  Under what basis do you claim persecution will not come here?  Persecution is coming here.  It will be a test of faith.  


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