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Coffee Today

 Good day,

    How are you?  I hope you are enjoying my blog.  Well, I am enjoying my coffee today.  I have not made coffee in a few days.  So, I am glad to have made a pot.  Now, I have my coffee.  So, I want to write.  I already need to refill my coffee cup.  Well, I need to refill my coffee cup.  

    I am listening to a podcast.  The podcast is by UC Berkeley about the NWO.  I believe the NWO is a hoax.  The left wing democrats won't allow for an NWO while they are waging there war against the Middle Class.  But it is still an interesting presentation about God.  About how God does want an NWO, with Him as the head.  The narrator moves along to Israel, and her part in the one world order.  

    Anyways, enough about the NWO.  Until the American Middle Class is destroyed, they cannot implement a New World Order.  Though, they will try too.  But it is a hoax as I have said.  The real NWO will be setup after the Middle Class of America is destroyed, but they will set up the organization for it ahead of schedule.  

    Something I heard the other day.  I heard that Barrack Obama is the anti-Christ.  Fox news on Facebook is broadcasting the launch of a space ship by SpaceX and Axiom.  In the end, we will suffer through for a thousand years with an NWO run by Satan.  But God is in control, it is his right to abandon us to the devices of the devil.  

    I am watching the launch, and listening to the podcast at the same time.  So, it is very interesting.  The podcast is discussing the Bible, and Biblical History.  But the broadcast is documenting a launch into space.  Very interesting duo.  I paused the podcast, because the launch is in real time.  NASA is in the mix.  Some of my peers do not enjoy NASA.  So, I won't share the video, but it sure is interesting.  

    I just went and smoked and refilled my coffee.  Max was outside.  So, I let him in.  Meanwhile, the launch showed the drone ships which they use to recover the rockets.  The dragon space craft is capable of carrying seven passengers.  It is reusable.  Things are happening in both the heavens and the earth.  

    I used my video camera.  I took a brief sweep of my room, and focused on Max.  He sure liked the attention.  I wish I could upload it to my YouTube Channel, but my camera doesn't allow me to allow me to access the files on my computer.  Very sad.  They are now about 19 minutes from launch.  This is very exciting.

    I shared the SpaceX launch in my Facebook group, Cajun Truth Seekers.  I hope I don't get banned.  It is so interesting to watch.  The launch has less than two minutes.  I am still not banned.  I am just waiting.  So sad.  

Well, the launch completed, so I guess the video is done.  Now, NASA is talking.  I guess I will continue to listen for a while.  That is all for now.   


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