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A History of Eastern Europe: Ukraine-Russia Crisis

Good day,

I just wanted to share this video, concerning the current crisis on Ukraine and Russia.  This video goes over some of the historical highlights that may have led up to the current conflict.  Some of those events, like a treaty signed in the 17th Century, or perhaps Stalin's terror-famine, as discussed in the documentary, are included.  

I took some notes from the video:
2014 Ukraine erupts into crisis.
- The Escape of Ukrainian President Yanukovych to Russia
- Crimea annexed
- Ceasefires signed and broken. (Before the ink had run dry)

The collapse of the Soviet Union was supposed to see widespread unrest in Ukraine.  Putin called Ukraine a failed state.  Ukraine wanted peaceful ties with both the west and Russia.  

The conflict extends over centuries, since 1654 with the treaty made by the Cossacks.  
- Second largest nation in Europe.
- Breadbasket of Europe
- Flag: Blue over yellow gives emphasis to the country's flat terrain, and blue skies over amber waves of grain.
- The size of Texas with over 45 million people.

First the Mongols came.  There descendants were the Tartars.  Then, Poland-Lithuania.

Cossacks: Like the American Cowboy, famous for there horsemanship and fighting skills.  Ukrainians romanticize this era of there history, by including the Cossacks in there national anthem.  

Ukraine National Anthem

    In 1654 a Ukrainian warlord signed a treaty with Russia guaranteeing autonomy for the region.  
Instead the Cossacks ended up with another set of rulers.  A partition was signed between Russia and Poland-Lithuania.  Poland helped establish the Orthodox church of Ukraine, under the Catholic church, and Ukrainian nobles took after the manner of the Polish.  The partition was along the Nepa River.

    The partition was made mute however, in 1795.  In Russia the Ukrainians became known as "Little Russians", and the region was called "New Russia" by Catherine the Great.  In the West the Ukrainians became known as Ruthenes.  
    During the 1930s Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union brought a reign of terror, known as the "terror famine", and deported all of the Tartars.  Some in the Ukraine hoped that the Third Reich might help the fortunes of the Ukraine.  They were lead by Stephan Bandera.  Some of them participated in crimes against the Jews.  In 1944 the UPA, known as the Ukraine Insurgent Army.  They fought the Nazis, and the Soviets.  
    The World War II uprooted millions of Ukrainians.  They fled to the United States and Canada.  Also, borders shifted, as Poland shifted westward.  
    A book mentioned in the video, is known as A Short History Of Tractors In Ukrainian by Marina Lewycka is available on audio for anyone who wants to listen.
    After Joseph Stalin's brutal regime, in 1954 Gorbachev returned Crimea to Ukraine in accordance with the old treaty from 1654.  Protests were sparked by Chernobyl.  Ukraine voted for independence by a majority in 1991, with the collapse of the Soviet Union.  The Orthodox church was revived, too.  However, a class of powerful Oligarchs arose.  A Journalist named Giorgi Gongadze was found dead.  Corruption began eating away at the confidence of the Ukrainians.  
    Ukraine became dependent on Russia for gas and oil.  In 1994 Ukraine surrendered its nuclear weapons in exchange for international assistance.  In 2004, ten years later, the Orange Revolution Occured led by economist and head of the central bank of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko.  He became president of Ukraine in 2005.  
    In 2010 a new Ukrainian President was elected.  He refused to sign an Association Agreement with The European Union (EU).  He also jailed his opposition.  In February 2014 Yanukovych fled into Russia.  At his mansion they uncovered all kinds of wealth.  A Grand Mansion:
- 350 acres
- Private zoo featuring exotic animals 
- Tennis Court
    His residence was declared property of the state.  It was to be used as a museum to show case the occupants greed.  There was some mystery loot: a loaf of bread made of gold.
In 2014 the Tartars were again concerned for there fate.  In 2015 Putin claimed to be the soul person responsible for annexation of Crimea.  
    In July 2014 H Flight 317 was shot down.  No investigation was allowed by pro-Russian backed rebels.  Pro-Russian and Pro-Ukraine protestors clashed and 42 were killed.  Mainly pro-Russian protestors.  A ceasefire was brokered but it was broken before the ink had dried.  
    In 2008 Putin told a startled George W. Bush that Ukraine is not really a country.  President of EU wanted a solution.  Putin claimed collapse of the Soviet Union was the most devastating event of the 20th Century.  There are continued echoes from the 1700s.  

Well, that is all of my notes.  I tried my best to organize them, and keep them short and sweet.  There was a lot to cover.


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