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What Do I Know?

     Greetings, how are you today?  I hope you enjoyed reading my previous post.  I was going to talk about how much it means to me- salvation, the truth.  Jesus is Lord.  Each day, I think about that.  The tribulation is now.  We are in the tribulation, you cannot miss it now.  So many things are happening, it is impossible to cover them all.  My home is not this world.  Their are many nice things in it for sure.  But my home is with the Lord.  I know this, and each day that passes I think it is more certain.  I regret, I have not found a church.  Other than Arlington Redeemer.  You come across different types of churches, but none that just teach the Bible.  I don't want to complain about any churches, but rather say that I look for a church that teaches from the Bible. 

    People need to read Romans.  The Jews are us, those who follow Jesus.  People have confused themselves about what Jesus was talking about.  Father Abraham is Father to anyone who has faith- the faith of a mustard seed.  Today I was called by the DFW Security Office, to schedule a job interview for Friday at 10 AM.  I need to take my medicine.  I took my medicine, Max is resting behind me on the bed.  I am just listening to yet another great YouTube.  I always like listening, I just wish I knew how to make my own YouTube videos.  I am not sure how to capture my screen so that i can show my desktop.  

    Each day that passes I do wonder more and more- are we coming to the end.  Well, I am not sure about all of that.  But I do believe Jesus Christ is going to return, that he was very real.  Jesus Christ was indeed a Historical figure.  But was he who he claimed to be- when he said "I and the Father are One"?  If Jesus said he and the Father are One, this means Jesus was claiming to be God, equal with God.  

    The persecution is coming.  I feel it.  I think the persecution will start with race.  The idea is that, white means Christian.  Or is supposed to mean Christian.  The goal of the persecution is to undermine the faith.  Not to cause physical harm like is happening in other countries.  Because in there minds, Christians are white, they will start with race.  The Gentiles are white, and this has been the era of the Gentiles to spread the Gospel, the Good News but they claim that era is coming to an end.  The goal is to end Christianity- the church.  They have already succeeded in a sense.  The church does not have the power it once did.  I am talking about the church universalis or the catholic church.  The body of Christ.  It has been kicked out of American schools, out of the Government, out of any public institution.  Oh, yes when the government needs help, it allows the church in.  But kicks it back out again.  

    They will not just attack from without.  No, they will attack from within, with mirror perfect theology.  With answers to questions even, it will be a challenge because the answers will make sense to some people, in a world where making sense does not really matter, otherwise.  Everything will boil down though, to the flesh.  Is it possible, that God had a special star made for the birth of Christ?  Or is it really explainable by what some call "science"?  It is not really science, but it is from the equinox.  Since itself, with the Scientific Method is a tool given by God for understanding how things work, in the heavens, and on earth.

    The persecution has really already started and been going on.  Ever since September 11, 2001.  The assault began on the truth of 9/11.  But a vacuum of information on September 11, 2001 existed.  It was filled with a doctrine which claims that the truth of 9/11 is an inside job.  That America attacked itself on that day.  It becomes the truth, not because it is the truth, but because people choose to believe it is the truth.  

    In an article from Business Inside, on Yahoo News how after the attacks on September 11, 2001 members of Delta Force, the special unit, were contacted to be brought out of retirement.  I had no idea that the unit had been disbanded.  I used to play Delta Force Assault, and always thought the unit was a standing unit.  So, after the attack on the second building, some of the members already felt they were going to be going to war.  So, the Army negotiated with them on their terms.  Meaning they still owe the Delta Force members.  This was for the first attacks in Afghanistan.  October 11, 2001.  Why would they attack Afghanistan if it was an inside job.  Somebody in Afghanistan attacked the United States that day.  Which is why there was such conviction during the invasion of Afghanistan.  

    Anyways.  Those coming into the church to teach new doctrines, are going to sew confusion.  But some of them are right.  Yep, 100% even.  But everything we need to know, it is in the Bible.  Just because you do not know all the answers does not mean God does not love you.  Right now, Franklin Graham is on his, "God Love You Tour" on the historic route 66.  He began in Illinois and will finish in Los Angeles, California.  

    It is a hundred degrees outside today.  I will not let Max out till it begins to cool later today.  I wish it would cool down, and rain, while I am off.  So, I could just lay here and enjoy it.  I actually did let Max out for a while.  He needs it I guess.  Poor Max, being cooped up inside all day.  I will not leave him outside for forever though.

    Max is back inside.  That is how hot it is out there.  Max is huffing and puffing.  Well, anyways I have been writing a while.  I will lay down for a while.  

    The persecution is done selectively, that is they find a niche group and focus on them.  Then, once that group is worn down, they find another group and ware them down.  This continues throughout until all the groups are broken down.  That is when CRT will be implemented.  When we are already tired.  CRT is Critical Race Theory.  It teaches the 1619 Project for History.  That America's founding began with slavery, in 1619, even though the first Black people to come to America were reported not to be slaves.   CRT is very much a part of the persecution and it will be used to suit the purposes of the persecutor.  hence, the name, Critical Race Theory.  So, yes it is construed to be about Race but at its root, it is about Christianity and the church.  I would warrant though, that this is what comes from the absence of God in schools.  In the government, and even in homes.  

    I could find no sources that define Critical Race Theory but nevertheless, I looked it up.  Actually, all the sources that define CRT support CRT.  So, there is a bias towards CRT on Google's top searches.  The articles against CRT never define CRT but only rail against CRT.  Some people call it "real history" when this is really just against America.  So sad, to watch as it is full of bitterness and hatred.  That is why I opened talking about Jesus Christ.  How important He is.  Without God- without Christ I doubt we will make it through the rough times ahead.  

    I got an invitation to complete Orientation at FedEx Ground Irving.  I want to work at FedEx again.  After working at Albertsons I think I would do better.  I have gotten  some strength from pushing carts.  A tan.  Team work.  Also a work ethic, which I did not have before.  However I am hoping to work at Village Creek again.  That is the FedEx i want to work at.  The Irving FedEx Ground is located 35 minutes from my house.  Each day I get a little unsure though about trading working at Albertsons for FedEx.  Maybe I should hold onto Albertsons as long as possible.  The work is fun, the people I work with are ok.  As I said, I learned how to work as a team, a bit.  Here is the Google maps of the location.  thirty five minutes from the house.  Nevertheless, I will talk to my Dad.   He might have some good advice.  
I am remise to post this.  As i know I have written some controversial stuff.  The beginning though, is what this is really about.  That's why the ending is the way it is.  Because they hate Jesus with such a passion.  That they know he is coming soon, and so they are setting themselves against Him.  But using race to do that.  

     So, again, i would rather not post this blog post because of how it went.  But the beginning is so beautiful.  I would rather not get the vaccine.  But get the vaccine, I am.  Unfortunately, God made Government and thus, a part of obeying God is obeying Government as well.  Obeying God is never popular, because well, He is God.  After all, if it was easy to obey God we would not need Jesus Christ.



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