In a text, my Mom wished me an excellent day. So I wanted to wish you an excellent day as well. Today, I work, but only from 1:15 PM to 4:00 PM. But tomorrow, I close for Jeremiah 6 PM to 10 PM. It is only four hours. But I will take any hours I can get. Perhaps they are returning me to part time. But I managed to get some extra hours. These hours will go towards saving for my car.
Yesterday, after I went to my Mom's I went back out and got some gas. The gas prices were actually down, not up. So, it was good to get some fuel at a lower price. 2.79. Down ten cents from 2.89. As I fueled up, I remember a guy left is truck idling. So, I went in and bought a snack. The guy who left his truck idling was buying a hunting and fishing license.
Now, I am just relaxing before work. Going to play some more Total War: Rome II. I really enjoy that game, more than I thought I would. Steam revamped the title. The changes did not suit me at first. But once i got used to it, playing as Rome, I find it to be a very accommodative game. Allowing me to capture my chunk of the world. Then, set up trade, and play similar to like in sandbox mode. All while coming up with schemes to conquer the world.
According to Yahoo News, a beefed up levee system may have saved New Orleans. The project run by the Corps of Army Engineers cost 14.5 Billion U.S. dollars. The new system of levees has been in place since 2015. I think the real reason the levee system held, as God. There was not even any flooding, only some power outages and wind damage. My Mom is from Louisiana, so anytime there is a hurricane, I immediately become interested. I followed what happened during Katrina through reading, even as I was stationed in Japan at the time. I still remember how in 2005 all these people rushed to volunteer and help clean up, and rescue people. Although Katrina was listed as a disaster, it really showed how people can come together during trying times like these. It was inspiring hearing and reading about those who braved the storm to help those stranded in New Orleans, once the levees broke.
Right now, I'm listening to "Answers in Genesis" again. I am enjoying this series on the genetic history of human origins. It goes back to 1000 BCE and continues until today. Looking at how there are many more common heritages than we would think. I think it is neat, and encouraging. Because it takes race and flips it on its head. Nothing is worse than racism I think. But by knowing the genetic history, you can get a great respect for the similarities between the races and ethnicities.
I included the video. It is so fascinating. This one titled What Happened to The Vikings (Part 17). Here you can watch the whole series: Without having to watch them on YouTube. Episode 18, they will see whether they can genetically identify the Jews.
I shared my status of my Lyft background check. It is still pending. according to Lyft, the background check can be completed in two days. But it can also take two weeks. Mine is a two week background check, it appears. But in the mean time I will keep my day job. Or night job, as I generally work afternoons and evenings. Because of the shutdown, things are not open as late as they once were. Only thing open after about 10 PM is Albertsons, QT, and Taco Bell. Maybe McDonald's drive thru. Not complaining, just letting you know about it.
Well, it is time for a cigarette. I wish I had some more coffee. But at least I had some coffee. I bought it at the gas station. So, it isn't the best coffee. Each day, I wake up and do the same things. But I enjoy being able to write in my blog.
Today is Wednesday, 1 September 2021. This is the anniversary of when World War II began. In 1939 the Nazis invaded Poland. So, it is always interesting to me, when this day comes around. It also means Labor Day is coming up. Which means Albertsons will be very busy. But for me it is another day. Where maybe I will get to work. On Friday I will finally have my eye exam. I have needed new glasses for a while. So, that is what I will put my paycheck too.
Another person, Paul D. Miller recalled the 9/11 attacks themselves. He discussed how he had been training at Fort Huachuca in Arizona, and caught the attacks on the television in the barracks. He did not realize the impact the attacks were going to have on his life. Including that his wife worked in the Capitol building. Her life was saved by the passengers of Flight 93. The passengers of Flight 93 caused there plane to crash when they realized it had been hijacked, on September 11, 2001.
Anyways, there were other stories included in the article. It is worth reading. WORLD always has good writing that stands on its own. I just wanted to give you some highlights. In the end, the most uplifting part of the story is how the Afghan church is the fastest growing in the world. The author is Mindy Belz.
I was a Courtesy Clerk. I only worked four about four hours. But at the end, my manager had me do returns, so I went over about twenty minutes. Tomorrow I will close. I don't mind closing, its just that I only have four hours to close. I clock in at 6 PM and clock out at 10 PM. My work is very exciting. It keeps me busy, which is what I like. Each day that goes by, I feel more confident in what I am doing. Now, I am going to try and apply for more jobs.
Now, i am listening to the Watchman on YouTube. The Watchman is discussing the concept of hell. From a biblical standpoint. The Watchman discusses world news and biblical prophecy. Each video contains bits of news, some of it is non sequitur , but other stuff that happened is tied into Biblical prophecy, and the events are used to describe these days as the end of days. I just like that he is a Christian, and shares world news. It helps to have a Christian perspective when studying the news. There is no truth without Jesus Christ. With pulling out of Afghanistan, The United States is at an end. Our fight for freedom is over. How can we come back from it. We cannot. Nobody will take us seriously as defenders of freedom anymore. Nevertheless, God is still in control. God remains supreme and he is sore displeased that we left Afghanistan.
My friend Scott shared an article. It is about a convoy of trucks from a Houston furniture store, sent during Hurricane Ida. The article is here. The owner of the store noted that Louisiana had helped during Hurricane Harvey in 2018, and so it was only right for us to help now. What an uplifting story of caring and compassion.
Anyways. That is about it for now. Time to open and play Rome II.
Rhetorical Writing Triangle I wanted to run an advertising campaign. To test out the features of pinterest business mode . I chose this Rhetorical Writing Triangle to advertise. The campaign has generated 61 clicks. It is clear, I do not know what I am doing. But I am interested in learning so I could help out and maybe make some money. It is clear, many people want to learn about Rhetorical Writing. Yet, do they even teach it in school? I have no idea. I was home schooled. But I did attend Christian Liberty Academy. I remember some of there Grammar involved Essay writing. Book reports too.
To make my last post about politics. All I wanted to do was share the story about me, and my friend Scott and Steve who had an incredible adventure helping my Dad with his car. Instead, I delivered a rant like no other. Sure, I included some history. But not as much as I wanted to. I get much more from reading history, than I do from following politics. But I still just wanted to lay out how I feel about things. Especially, considering the vaccine. Even discussing the vaccine has been rendered political. People, it was Trump who released the vaccine. Nobody should be forced to get the vaccine. But people should consider getting the vaccine. When you consider the source, Trump, you realize that the vaccine is probably ok. If it was the mark of the beast as you call it, then you wouldn't be able to get it without worshipping the beast. We live in America, not Babylon. This is a part of the deception....
I don't really know the history of the Carter Family. For all I know, they are related to Jimmy Carter. But I like this song! I first heard it in the film O Brother Where Art Thou? when I saw the film in the theater. But unfortunately, the film featured George Clooney who came out against Trump. So, I put off listening to this song, until I saw the Carter version of it. I know of June Carter- she married Johnny Cash!
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