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Working Late...

 Today, I worked late.  I thought I was supposed to start at 2:45 but went in early.  Turned out it was a good thing, because I clocked in at 1:15 PM.  My actual start time.  Whoever was supposed to replace me never showed up.  So, I ended up closing at a Courtesy Clerk.  I over clocked.  I hope I won't get in to any trouble.  I'm drinking a Dr. Pepper now.  

I ended up having a good day for some reason.  My financial problems are far from over, but I am hoping to be able to save some money soon.  In the mean time I have to pay for an eye exam.  $65 dollars is the cost of an eye-exam at Wal Mart.  

After work, I bought a sandwich, a Dr. Pepper and Sour Cream and Onion Pringles.  Scott called, while I was at work.  So, once I had eaten, I called him and we talked about work.  Then, Scott shared an article from the Washington Post about Tesla's catching on fire, in people's garages.  A fire inspector suggested that it was the "thermal management system" as one of two possible causes.  I wonder what Tesla will do to prevent this from happening again?  Several different companies have recalled the battery on there electric vehicles.  Including Chevy, and Audi.  The electric cars are not more prone to fires than gas powered cars.  But the fires are more intense, and burn longer, according to the article.  Customers have been advised not to park there electric cars in a garage.  Several fires were reported including one in San Francisco CA, and one in Frisco, Texas.   What an interesting article.  Thanks Scott for sharing.


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