That was Trump's word for President Joe Biden today. Why? Because Joe Biden has withdrawn from Afghanistan. The final date for the withdrawal is coming up: September 11, 2021. Meanwhile, the Taliban is rapidly retaking Afghanistan. Nobody is hardly trying to stop them. What is sad, is that we left Afghanistan and we also left behind all those people who spent twenty years of there lives helping us. Now, they are in grave danger, and they were originally promised a sanctuary in America. In my mind, this is global hate crime #2, withdrawing from Afghanistan like this.
Today, I was a Courtesy Clerk again. It keeps changing. But I am learning to be flexible. Something I was never very good at, was being flexible. Maybe this is a change happening, in me, where I will become more flexible. I hope so. Yesterday, I had a realization. At work, I am more free than at home. I can just be myself at work, in a way, where at home I cannot because I smoke. So, my Dad pressures me about it. But at work, they have been very flexible with me about smoking.
According to Yahoo News! booming U.S. cases of COVID represent one-fifth of the world count. My theory is correct. The United States was hit the hardest by COVID-19 when it was released from the lab in Wuhan. A Christmas gift from the PRC.
I'm listening to this video on YouTube by Lion of Judah.
It was released yesterday, on August 14, 2021. It is about temptation, and how the devil uses his spirits to seduce us. Yet, Christ lives in us. Just like He did Paul. We belong to Christ, not to the devil. What we do matters, what we say matters, what we think, it matters. We have to take heed to ourselves, according to Lion of Judah.Well, that is pretty much it. I hope you are doing well. I am doing alright. I went and visited my Mom. She gave me dog food, and another book, titled The Magnificent Bastards about a battle in the Vietnam War, in 1968. The battle involved both the Army and the Marines.
I tried to chat with Mark. But Mark was busy. So, he said we might could chat another time. He suggested tomorrow, but I work again.
I have not heard from Scott again. I wonder how he is doing. I suppose he is busy too. Working at the airport.
I have two Facebook accounts. On my original facebook account, I finally beseeched my family and friends about Stephanie. So, that they will know that I am not a stalker. Here is what I wrote.
Surely, all of my family, and friends, do not believe I am stalking a gator. What transpired twenty years ago shook me to the core. I never was a stalker, but I still was called one by Stephanie. But if you read the e-mails and letters that we exchanged, I was merely interested as it seemed we had a lot in common. Heck. It was clear, her family thought I was the neatest thing since sliced bread. I am not boasting, merely pointing out that they thought highly of me, from each phone conversation with them. It was actually Stephanie who showed me the History degree plan at UT.
I decided it was time to go ahead, and admit I am not really some kind of stalker. I was just interested in the person. I also enjoyed being there friend. I was never sure what really happened to her, or why she was calling me a stalker. But now, I have that here. I always hoped that she would figure out I was not the stalker, and that we would have a joyous reunion as friends.
Max is down stairs begging for food. My brother and his girl friend, Jean, got Chipotle so, Max is jealous. Well, that is all for now. I hope you enjoyed reading this. I had more to write, than I thought. Jesus Christ is who ties all this together.
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