I want my story to be about praising Jesus Christ. Not about politics. I found a YouTube video I would like to share here.
I hope this video brings you closer to God. In my life, pointing people to God, thats what my life is about. Everything else is secondary. Jesus Christ is "The Way, The Life, and the Truth". Plus, this video shows things from 1988. How the television looked. How the technology was. There were no smart phones, or anything like that. I really just wanted to share this video because it was uplifting to me. I hope it uplifted you too.How are you doing? I hope you are doing well. I have been doing fine. I am just worried about money. But as long as I work I should be ok. I work at Albertsons as a Courtesy Clerk. Yesterday i was supposed to work, but my tooth was hurting. I think it has passed now, and I will be able to work.
I need to make sure and get dog food for Max. I took Max for a brief walk yesterday. We went down Enamor, and over to Bowman Springs. Today i set Max some food out, and he just ate it up. So, Max is hungry. I need to give him some substance with his food.
I always think in terms of today. The Bible actually says, "Let tomorrow worry about itself", so thats what I do. But it is a struggle. Tomorrow, I will miss work again because I have an eye -exam. I hope to get new glasses. Maybe two pairs.
Well, anyways I hope your day is going well. My day seems to be going ok. My tooth stopped hurting so bad. Praise God for that.
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