I began before work. I left a few carts out last night. So, I gathered most of the carts up before I clocked in. Today was going to be a long day. But Ryan showed up, so it was not so bad. We got carts and did the sweep logs. I brought my medicine with me to work. In a plastic baggy. I was going to buy some chicken but I was on the clock. I told Robert and Monica this. They said it was ok to buy food on the clock. So, I bought a donut and an apple to eat, instead of the chicken. I wish I had bought the chicken. It looked delicious.
After work, Scott shared a couple of stories with me. But before I share those stories, I will share a YouTube video. Instead of going to church, I listen to church online. I am listening to Pastor Lawson. He is good at describing things.
Listen to the things which Pastor Lawson discusses. In this one he is discussing the one world religion. How they will make Mary the "Mother of God" rather than the Mother of Christ. Remember that the birth of Jesus Christ was a virgin birth. Pastor Lawson's Sermon is from November 13, 2016. Just after the election. This is an older sermon by the Pastor, he good to listen too anyways.My friend Scott shared this article with me. It is about abandoned places in Texas, by Texas Monthly, titled "These Photos of Abandoned Buildings Will Transport You to a Bygone Texas". It is a piece to advertise for a group on Facebook named "Abandoned Texas", which show cases old warn down houses, and "three-story Victorian mansions", according to Texas Monthly. According to the article, the Facebook group has 60,000 members.
This article really ended up being about Ruby City, which is along the River Walk in San Antonio. So, the title is a bit misleading. But it would be neat to see Ruby City. So, the article is a real gem.Another article shared by Scott. It has to do with a name change. In Fort Worth there is a street and a bridge named "White Settlement", and the Fort Worth Mayor wants to change the name of that place. They do not have a name picked out. The name change must be approved by the Fire Department of Fort Worth, and services have to be notified as well. Including the Post Office. They also need 100% consensus on the part of property owners. The article did not specify which property owners. Later, the article did say property owners that live on the street. The article is by CBS, titled Fort Worth Mayor Interested In ‘More Iconic’ Name For White Settlement Road And Bridge. The name change has to do with #StopAsianHate. Based off the football teams, like the "Washington Football Team" and the Cleveland Giants. Therefore, they think they can change the name of "White Settlement", according to CBSDFW. My question is, why was it named this in the first place. In 2005 the city voted to change its name, but the resolution never passed.
All of this ties in together. Somehow, they are all connected. What connects these messages? Jesus Christ connects them. Without hearing of Jesus Christ, it is not possible to appreciate the other two articles in context.
Context is something I learned in History. 3300 Intro To Historical Research. That was in January 2017. Just after the inauguration. History has a context. With the images from Abandoned Texas, and the story of the name change of "White Settlement", you get a pattern of history. With pastor Lawson's sermon, it ties into the Bible. But it is all a deception really, for a one world order, and not really to stop Asian Hate. But nevertheless, #StopAsianHate. My friend Scott is Asian and so I know he must feel it sometimes. When we go out, I sometimes wonder, is he experiencing Asian Hate. Am I exhibiting Asian Hate? I always wonder about that. I enjoy hanging out with Scott and being his friend. Thanks for the articles Scott!
I got me some coffee. Had my cigarette and I am continuing to listen to pastor Lawson. He is such a Godly man. He always hits on the nerve for the way things are. So freighting really. That he is on the mark like that.
Oh. That reminds me. Dominique was at work today. They are here for the next two weeks. It is always fun working with Dominique though I am not sure what Dominique does. But they are high up in the company, that is clear. Today, I was standing Sanitation, but we don't do sanitation anymore. Instead, I was standing there with the "clicker" to unlock carts when they get locked on customers. Domonique comes out and tells me not to stand there with the clicker anymore. So, that is settled. No more standing there with the clicker.
Last night a Dr. was in Albertsons talking to the Self-Checker. I did not know what it was about. The Doctor's cart locked. We went to unlock it. The Doctor asked, "What caused the cart to lock"? Apparently, I said some stuff. So, they are going to notify the Director. *Sigh*. I was hoping to go full time.
Scripture calms me down. I am worked up, so I will write down one scripture which I have heard a lot lately. Psalm 2.
Psalm 2
1 Why do the nations gather together?
Why do their people devise useless plots?
2 Kings take their stands.
Rulers make plans together
against the LORD and against his Messiah by saying,
3 "Let's break apart their chains
and shake off their ropes".
4 The one enthroned in heaven laughs.
The LORD makes fun of them.
5 Then he speaks to them in his anger.
In his burning anger he terrifies them by saying,
6 "I have installed my own king on Zion, my holy mountain."
7 I will announce the LORD's decree.
He said to me:
"You are my Son.
Today I have become your Father.
8 Ask me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance
and the ends of the earth as your own possession.
9 You will break them with an iron scepter.
You will smash them to pieces like pottery."
10 Now you kings act wisely.
Be warned, you rulers of the earth!
11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son or he will become angry
and you will die on your way
because his anger will burst into flames.
Blessed is everyone who takes refuge in him.
GOD'S WORD Edition. I always use GOD'S WORD Edition. It really clears up a lot of scriptures.
Alex Jones returns with Info Wars. I always liked Infor Wars. But the thing is, I am not always sure what his message is. He rants a lot about the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Alex Jones does not cause me to want to write. He is very informative. Free information about what is going on. The Alex Jones video shows an interview with the "MY Pillow" guy. Well, I think that is about it. I hope you have a good day.
1. Lawson, Charles, Pastor. https://youtu.be/pmjZynGc4S8 (Accessed August 8, 2021)
2. "These Photos Of Abandoned Buildings Will Transport You To A Bygone Texas". Texas Monthly. https://www.texasmonthly.com/being-texan/abandoned-buildings-photos-bygone-texas/?fbclid=IwAR3MzgJjm_-UQ80u60csNVngYzyh8UtTneTxZ6XCC93ZipgQPAztHFezHAo (Accessed August 8, 2021)
3. Allen, Jason. "Fort Worth Mayor Interested In More 'Iconic Name' For White Settlement Road and Bridge". CBSDFW. https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2021/08/06/fort-worth-mayor-mattie-parker-iconic-name-white-settlement-road-bridge/?fbclid=IwAR1AS7mZ6Hi-u4w-cJ_vqDa7a6t5cmConikaBnxH4MqGM45cnafbiTZas2E (Accessed August 8, 2021)
4. Jones, Alex. Info Wars https://freeworldnews.tv/watch? id=610dcb20e98e6734bae17198. August 6, 2021. (Accessed August 8, 2021)
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