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I Closed Again

 How are you doing today?  Well, I hope.  I'm just sipping on my coffee.  I woke up before 8 AM today.  Yesterday, I bought some trash bags thinking they were the right size.  Turns out, the trash bags are 30 gallon bags.  To small for the trashcan in the garage.  But they fit like a glove in the trash can I bought for my apartment years ago.  Well, at least I got the discount.  At first, I thought God had abandoned me, until I realized the bags fit perfectly in that smaller trashcan.  Which is still fairly big.  So, I went out and put some of the pinecone needles into the trash can.  Emptied it, and put the bag out for the trash.  Then, I brought the trashcan back inside.  It was all just perfect.  Praise the Lord!

Yesterday, I was supposed to work at 2:15.  But I swore up and down I start at 2:45 PM.  So, that was when I started.  But today I begin at 3:15 PM.  So, maybe I will head in early, and start at 2:45 to even things out.  

Not much else is going on.  I ended up standing Sanitation for a while yesterday.  Max is doing alright.  Wish he would eat his food.  I bought some of that chicken broth to put on his food.  Maybe that will entice him to eat.  Once he gets a taste for the chicken broth, I am sure he will enjoy it.  I will try pouring some more on it.  Soaking the food in the chicken broth will also soften the food for him.  I have hotdogs he can eat as well.  

I was in the Rodeo on the way to Mom's.  I don't like driving.  I would rather take the bus.  Especially after my wreck.  How was I getting around before?  The cigarette.  Anytime I went driving I had cigarettes with me.  In my Dad's Rodeo I don't smoke.  So, I don't drive as often in it.  Well, I was going to go visit my Mom to pick up some dog food.  On the radio, the Choir and Orchestra at First Baptist in Dallas began playing Come To The Father, or is it just Praise the Lord?  Well, anyways, I pulled over to get some gas as it struck up.  I started crying, I had not heard that tune in years.  As I am scared to drive, I was happy to hear the tune, so I began crying.  It brought back happy memories.  Anyways, I stopped to fill up for gas, but it was a moment before I could get out and start filling the Rodeo as I listened to the song.  I was so happy that First Baptist at Dallas played that, I am sure I played it over and over in my head.  "Praise the Lord!  Praise the Lord!  Let the people rejoice.  Let the earth hear His voice.  Oh, come to the Father, Great things He has done".  I kept playing that song over and over in my head.  Praise the LORD!

I put Max out.  Smoked a cigarette and refreshed my coffee.  I hope Max will eat his food.  Once he gets a taste for the chicken broth, it is on.  

I heard from Scott again.  He was visiting a cousin in another part of Texas.  Scott told me about working at the airport again.  It sounds like he is having fun.  He said he is a long ways away. Well, I believe this is all for now.

In YAHOO News! no sign of COVID.  But there is an article about Federal Water cuts to the western states.  This comes as a heat wave lingers.  Arizona farmers take the brunt of the cuts.  Ah, now that Trump is gone no one is taking care of the farmers.  No wonder there is a food shortage.  The farmers need their water to grow food.  According to the article, by Suman Naishadham, the Hoover Dam built in the 1930s formed Lake Mead.  Lake Mead and Lake Powell are at there lowest levels ever recorded, due to a loss of snow melt from the Rocky Mountains.   All of this is of course linked to "human made climate change".  I do not believe it is human made climate change.  Just like the Watchman, I believe it is a sign from God.  House boats on Lake Powell were unable to launch due to how low the water level is.

In another article by Catherine Garcia, Houston Hospitals are filled to capacity as COVID cases spike.  An example of this, is a man shot several times is still awaiting surgery.  The article is titled "With Houston hospitals filled by COVID patients, man shot 6 times 10 days ago is still waiting for surgery".  Joe Valdex was shot three times in the shoulder and need surgery.  He is still waiting two weeks later.  According to the article, the Delta variant is to blame for the spike in COVID cases.  

Also in Newsweek, an actor was, according to the Los Angeles Times, arrested in connection with the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot.  Michael Aaron Carico was 33 and arrested on Wednesday.  The investigators searched his Facebook, Instagram Account, and Gmail account.  They found photos and video evidence that linked him to the riot.  He was charged with "entering a restricted building" and disorderly conduct.  

Well, friend.  That is all I have to write about.  I just wanted to include some articles that I found fascinating.  I shared a link to all the stories.  Of course what ties these stories together is the Lord Jesus Christ.  But unfortunately, none of the articles mention Him by name.  But in the arrest article, you can see the invisible hand of the government operating to bring some justice to those who rioted in the Capitol.  When we leave God out, He does not force his way in.  But I believe in God, so by mentioning these articles, I can put God into the situation by prayer.  The drought in the west is called a "20 year mega drought", because it has not rained.  In 1983 the water levels of Lake Powell were at there highest level, almost breaking the dam.

To offset all the negative news.  I am listening to a broadcast by Dr. Ken Ham on YouTube here 

This video is from a series where they are discussing the DNA evidence of History through the lense of the Bible according to Dr. Jeanson.   So, it is uplifting compared to the negative news stories found on Yahoo.  Please enjoy.  In this episode Ken Ham and Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson discover who there relatives are.  Well, I am going to go watch my video.

Please have a good day.  I tried to share tags that would cover each section I wrote about.  Please, enjoy.  Praise the LORD!


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