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Eye-Exam Today

 Good morning how are you doing?  Well, I hope.  I am just enjoying my coffee.  So, naturally I want to write.  I contemplate as i write.  But first, I let max outside and refreshed my coffee.  I have to think about how to take notes on myself for Vicki Walls.  Next Tuesday I have another appointment with her.  So, between now and then I need to take notes on why I feel a certain way.  I have a note book but I can't find it.  That is ok.  Today I have my eye exam with Dr. Chan.  

Wal Mart has an eye Doctor.  This idea seems odd to me, that Wal Mart has an eye-Doctor because I do not think of Wal Mart as a very medical place.  So, I am nervous about my eye-exam because I have never had an eye-exam at Wal Mart before.  

I also need to order my medicine today.  Maybe I will go head and order it, soon after writing this blog post.  Today I went to share a memory from Google Photos with Jack Pena, but it didn't share it correctly.  I shared it on Facebook.  But took it down.  Instead of sharing the memory, it shared a photograph.  It was a group of photographs from the Fish Fry at the Veteran Assistance Center at UTA.  

This is a sample of the photographs.  I am sure Jack would like to have some of these.  Both Jack and Jen ended up with a number of photographs in my Goggle Photos.  I know I had fun that day.  I helped set some things up for the Sweet Center, and I would have stayed for taking everything down, but that was left up to the Sweet Center.  This is the year I helped take over as a member of the Maverick Veterans, On August 25, 2017.  I hope Jack will find these photos.  Maybe I will share my blog with Jack and he will see them.  

I have continued working at Albertsons but I have not worked in three days.  Tomorrow is pay day.  Do you have payday?  I never had a payday before- before pay day was the 1st and 15th because I was in the Navy.  Now pay day is every week.  My first payday was at FedEx on Thursday.  Thursday seems to be the pay day, hence no eye-exams on Thursday.  

The United States commenced hostilities in Afghanistan on October 1, 2001.  After that we invaded.  Now, in 2021 we are trying to withdraw thousands of trapped Americans and Afghans who want to flee the Taliban.  The deadline is August 31, 2021.  So, just a few days away, and the United States will officially be out of Afghanistan for the first time in twenty years.  The withdrawal was initiated by Trump.  This withdrawal though, is not the responsibility of Trump, because a separate deal was made.  The Troops were supposed to have evacuated by May 2021 according to Trump's deal.

According to Business Insider by mid-January this year, the United States only had 2,500 troops in Afghanistan.  Less than the number deployed in Washington, D.C., where 20,000 National Guard troops were posted.  The Taliban is trying to prevent Afghans from leaving claiming that they want to keep skilled Afghans in the country to rebuild.  Meanwhile, the United States is trying to evacuate both Americans trapped, and Afghans who were promised they could enter the country.  Yahoo News predicted a confrontation if the withdrawal is not completed by the August 31st Deadline.

I was in Afghanistan so I feel affected by this withdrawal.  It is a shame at how it has been carried out.  The United States should have kept fighting for Afghanistan, it was a mistake to withdraw.  Now, add insult to injury, the withdrawal is being botched.  The current administration blames the previous administration, but Mr. Biden broke the original agreement with the Taliban, hoping to finish withdrawal on September 11, 2021.  These are the words of a concerned veteran.  

  This is another video I found.  I include it in my post because I listen to it while I write.  For inspiration.  In it, the author discusses the rapture and what to do if the rapture does not happen this year.  He discussed the Prophecy puzzle.  He argues that "climate change" is really God communicating his soon return.  

After I changed into my jeans.  I received this is a thank you from South Davis Elementary School, to Christ Redeemer Church.  They sent decorations to the school, for "Back to School", I received this in an e-mail from the Front Office.  I didn't contribute anything, but I still received the thank you.  Imagine my surprise at being included in this.  I'm having an impact, somehow.  Even though i wish i still lived in Everett, Washington.  
Well, anyways, this is how I am doing.  Just wondering- how are you doing.  I sure would like to hear from you, if you enjoyed reading my blog.  Maybe you found it informative.  please have a good day.



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