How are you doing today? Well, I hope. I hope that you are finding peace with Jesus Christ. Things are going a certain way, it seems.
Today, I close as a Courtesy Clerk again. I don't mind closing. The closing duties are not to difficult for me. I think I could handle more work now. I have been working at Albertsons for over a year now. A year and a half, nearly. On the schedule, I have good hours. I want to keep it this way.
Yesterday, I got a letter from my tour guide at UTA. Miss Summer gave me her number, and also the information for my Admissions Counselor. I was very surprised. My Admissions Counselor is Miss Sara Blackwell, of UTA.
I'm still waiting to hear back from the Navy. I tried to contact the Chief of IWC and have not heard anything. Well, you know what they say, "No news is good news". I don't want to stand on my own in this. I need God with me on it.
I'm listening to this video on YouTube. I will share it here:
I recommend it. The video is about what is going on in the world. How there is meaning behind all that is going on now. That it is a part of the battle between God and the devil. It talks about the authority given by Jesus Christ. It is a very uplifting video. It explains how people are delving into the dark arts. It is something tempting for sure. Because like Jesus said, "Men love darkness", so it almost seems natural to delve into it all. Because the "Dark Arts" give knowledge. But we have something else which gives knowledge- the Bible. To get knowledge from the Bible we have to seek the Lord. It is all for God's glory. All the suffering. All the struggles are from God. It is better to give God the credit. Because He has His will to accomplish. I don't know why people really do want to delve into the dark arts. I would say, steer clear of them. All the hurt they bring are not worth it. History shows this. The present day shows, from History, that there is still hurt from delving into the dark arts before. Personal hurt, but also generational hurt. God thinks in terms of generations. I want to share this video because it uplifted me. I hope it uplifts you, and encourages you on your path, as it has me. In fact, ask God to set you on His path. His path might be much better than the path you are on.Oh, I almost forgot. I also received my FAFSA the other day as well. I did not qualify for anything. But it is completed. This is another step on the path. I constantly ask God to guide me on His path. before, I was following my path, and intent on doing so. Now, I look to Jesus Christ. I look for the path He wants me to be on.
Something I have realized. I need to be more considerate of other people. There are other people in this world. I need to keep an eye out for the other people sometimes.
Well, that is all for now. I hope you enjoyed reading this. I hope you find my blog to be a treasure trove of worthwhile reading. Remember to look to Jesus Christ.
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