Today I worked Sanitation. Tomorrow, I work Courtesy clerk. Oh, but there is an asterisk next to it. Maybe I am still sanitation? Today mostly involved getting carts out of the lot. I was surprised because when I went in, no one was standing sanitation. Well, you can give me those hours to then. Last November I got sick, and had issues working. Maybe that is all behind me now.
In Eve I finished Drones V. Now, I train Powergrid Management V. This is part of the Magic 14 of skills designed to help with flying the ship. The capsuleer can learn a variety of other skills too. Other skills are for diplomacy, science, even archeology, which helps with running anomalies.
Supposedly, even though someone has the virus, according to CNBC, you can still get COVID. Over fourteen hundred deaths were reported due to this. I always try and point people to the cdc website. Even if it is not the most up to date information, it provides a good starting point.
Max is well. He is sitting behind me. Idling on the bed. Oh, that reminds me. Max got out once. Somebody was kind enough to take him to the Arlington Animal Services. My Dad and me went to go pick max up on Green Oaks, and Matlock. While we were at the Arlington Animal Services, we found out his actual name is Abraham Lincoln. Here I have been calling him the wrong name the whole time. But he seems to take to it. I am not sure whether to call him Abraham Lincoln, which is a better name, or Max, the one I have been calling him. Will He get confused? I am left wondering.
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