Today, I mowed the lawn. It was hot today. Did not matter. I had to get it done. This was because it is going to storm all weekend. I also work tomorrow. The back yard is the most difficult part to mow, because it is fairly big. Not a big deal. Max, he loves the backyard. It has plenty of room for him to run. The front lawn is also challenging. I mow it in sections. There is a part near the gate on the left side of the house. I am never sure how to mow that part, so I mow it in a triangle. Then the front part of the front lawn, I mow it in a rectangle. This away, I can get it mowed quicker. It is my Dad's technique. The front lawn is separated by the driveway. I mow the right side the quickest, because it is the smallest. Just a couple of strips. Then, done.
A picture of Max, and the backyard
This picture shows Max. Over to the left behind Max, is the A/C, along with a shed. Max needed a refill of water. Poor Max. After I mowed the lawn, I went to CiCis Pizza. I was going to buy two medium pizzas. But it cost way to much. So, I decided to order the buffet instead. For dessert I had some fudge brownies and a couple of sweet rolls. After that, I came home and played some Super Power 2: Steam Edition.
While I wrote this, I had to switch my browser. Goggle Chrome got attacked, so I switched to Microsoft Edge. They keep switching which browser to use. Very annoying.
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