Hi, how are you today? Doing well I hope. I wanted to write about something special to me. I believe that Jesus is a friend. Jesus is our only true ally. Friend. Savior. A person can read all the spiritual literature they want to. But never understand that Jesus means friend. That is what Jesus really is. Jesus died, and on the third day he rose again. Now, he sits at the right hand of the Father. He will return just as he left.
For me, Jesus Christ went from a curse word. To a friend. He has always been there for me. Jesus means so much to me now. Anymore, thats all there really is to talk about. UFOs are interesting. But how do they know they are really detecting UFOs. They could not detect Jesus at the twin towers. So, there are things that exist that have not been detected on a radar system.
They say Jesus reigns. But if He reigns, then do we sacrifice Him as a friend? Unthinkable. Jesus reigns because He is at the right hand of the Father. So, He does reign, and He is a friend. "Greater love has no one, than that they lay down there life for a friend". Jesus laid down His life for us when He died. Jesus is a friend of mine.
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