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My Earliest Memories with My Dad

 My Earliest Memories With My Dad

    My earliest memories with my Dad from our time in Springtown.  I remember my Dad's Kawasaki C1000.  He would ride the trash out to the front in it.  I also remember seeing him do work in the oil fields.  One time, we went and had a picnic.  That was with Mom, and my brother.  We went in his company pickup truck.  I also remember his green pickup truck as well.  The Volkswagen Rabbit.  He would work on it from time to time.  I can still hear the clatter clatter of the diesel engine.  Or, of Dad preparing toast before he took us to church.  

    In Fort Worth.  My memories there are different.  It was after my Dad got laid-off from the oil fields.  My Dad was training for the Aero Space Industry.  He would also watch my brother David and me while we played in the backyard.  One time, we were digging for worms, and I found a coiled snake.  It was spitting its forked tongue at me.  I left my brother to go tell my Dad what I had found.  I thought I had done something wrong.  I actually thought it was just a big worm.  Instead of grabbing the "worm" I told my Dad about it.  He came back with my brother and reported it was a snake.  I also remember the Jets flying over the house.  F-16s and B-52s.  Everyday they would fly over.  I think they were taking off, which is why they were so loud.  Or the train behind the house.  How sometimes a train would go by.  Or a tester car on the rails.  

    We also went camping.  At Mineral Wells.  We fished, and my Mom and brother went for a walk.  That night.  Me and my brother were spooked by some coyotes howling in the distance.  I didn't think we should be out there any longer.  So, with my brother, we went to the car, the Volkswagen Rabbit, climbed in and locked the doors.  I remember trying to convince my brother to put the car into drive.  But we didn't have the keys.  My Mom and Dad were both outside.  So, I unlocked the doors instead.

    One last memory I have is of my brother and me playing on the tracks.  We only got to do that once.  The tracks were busy.  But it was neat to see the tracks up close.  Like in a western.  It made me feel like John Wayne.   


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