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I Started Work.

 Today, I began work once again with DefenseTex.  Vacation over.  Same duties, different location.  Over on Bagdad and Gifford in Grand Prairie, Texas.  I am responsible for a key once more.  Major Wani have me part of my uniform.  She will give me the rest today, she said.   I am excited to be back on the job.  I am unable to attend church however.  So, I am listening to Robert Jeffress at First Baptist.  I came early this morning- almost as soon as I woke up.  I am drinking a coffee and eating powdered donuts.   I still support Trump.  Despite being called a felon, he is the best hope for our country.  Trump was the best President, and I am doing my best to make sure he becomes so again.   Currently, Robert Jeffress is talking about the sacrifice of Jesus- how sin was that bad, that God had to send Jesus to die for our sin.  So that we can once again approach God.   I believe Jesus is going to return soon!  Hang in there.  This time is the beginning of the testing of our Faith!  
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HR 6090 - Antisemitism Law and Persecution of the Church of North America

There is a new law before Congress, called HR 6090.  It expresses that, it will be illegal to acknowledge that the Jews handed Jesus over to Herod to be crucified.  That is a part of the Bible.  The sentiment is that HR 6090 could be used to persecute Christians by making it illegal to acknowledge certain parts of scripture.   This video also looked at Psalm 83, to talk about a war, and they asked, "Are we in the time of the war of Psalm 83?" Later in the video, the narrator looked at Ezekiel Chapters 37 and 38, along with Revelation 20.  They wanted to explain the difference between the war of Gog and Magog, and Armageddon.  Gog traces his descendants to Noah.  I found that piece of information to be interesting.   But, also the video explained that we can depend on God to provide, to be with, and to rescue those who are His.  Also the Holy Spirit.   I don't agree with everything they had to say in the video.  But it was fascinating how they backed up with scripture, the

Updated Theme

 I updated my theme.  To support President Trump- the Orange Man, as some call him.  I saw a meme- it goes like this: Orange Man good.  I will keep this theme until the election is over.  I believe this coming election will shape the future of our nation.   I just finished listening to First Baptist at Dallas.  He taught on coming to Jesus.  He explained that, when we come to Jesus, that is a work of the Holy Spirit calling us to come to Him.  Transforming one life at a time, with God's Word.  Next up is Dr. Grisweld.  They have the Dr. A. W. Grisweld Hour, where they play two of his sermons.  Some of them are from before I was even born.   Today, I just slept and slept.  I am sure I will be up all night again.  Today is Sunday.  Tomorrow is Monday, and on Wednesday I am meeting with a job coach at Goodwill.  Miss Andrea Johnson.  She will be my job coach.   My Dad and me, both went to sleep late last night.  I believe my Dad is driving Grubhub.  Mom is still out of town.  I miss M

End Times: The Movie

CERN is billed as being about physics.  That is a lie.  They are using CERN to unlock the spiritual realms.  Jesus is going to return soon.  Israel is part of the proof of this.  Israel has been in place for over 70 years.  The One World Religion will include witchcraft- an abomination before the Lord.  Be awake my fellow believers!  Watch this video, and stay informed!  

Psalm 25 (Show Me Your Ways) by The Psalms Project (Lyric Video)

I am listening to this Psalm.  I really enjoy the Psalm's Project.  It is uplifting and encouraging.  It is God's word, put to music.  Enjoy!

The Coming Persecution

Luke 8:3 "Joanna, whose husband Chusa was Herod's administrator; Susanna; and many other women.  They provided financial support for Jesus and His disciples"   I believe the persecution of the church has already begun in America.  This persecution is not going to be like that experienced by those in Africa, or in the Middle East, or China.  The persecution will be from within, about, underneath, and from above even.  It will be something where even your personal life will be under review to see if you are living "righteously".  Under the microscope so to speak.  That is what is meant when they say "zombie apocalypse", because the church fought to remain open and continued to teach during the lockdown.  The wicked ones do not tolerate any kind of deviation from scripture.  Not only will they use the Bible, but they will use those "missing" books from the Bible to inflict doubt.  They will attack anyone who worships Jesus Christ by claiming ano

I believe Jesus Will Return Soon!

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Here, Billy Graham discusses the Devil, demons, and witchcraft.  He describes how witchcraft is growing in popularity, not just in the United States but in Great Britain as well.  Jesus can free us.  It has to be done in the name of Jesus Christ.  He says we need to have discernment when it comes to whether a demon is afflicting us.  A true believer in Jesus Christ cannot be possessed by a demon.  The Devil filled Judas.  So, be sure that you know Jesus!   By seeking first the kingdom of God, we will gain Jesus.  Which is more than we could ever hope for.  Jesus is a blessing from God.  He died for our sins.  He rose again, so that we might one day, have life again.  Remember, each day is a blessing from God.  So, use it whisely, and turn to Jesus.  I believe Jesus will return soon!