I consider this video to be iconic. The sentiment expressed applies today, just as it did then. No, we are not fighting the Soviet Union, we are dealing with the corruption in our government. Reagan and Bush, had a tough job all those years ago. Trump, has an even tougher job ahead if he wins in November. I believe, if Trump wins, it will be a tough job, everyday the DemoKKKrats will try and start something. Everyday will be an uphill battle, because of everything Trump represents. Trump is trying to restore an America that we once knew, and together we can do this. But its going to be a tough battle. I believe Trump's supporters should get out into there precincts and run for office, to support the Trump agenda. No office is to small. But before we can do this, Trump must get elected! Trump 2024!!
Today, I began work once again with DefenseTex. Vacation over. Same duties, different location. Over on Bagdad and Gifford in Grand Prairie, Texas. I am responsible for a key once more. Major Wani have me part of my uniform. She will give me the rest today, she said. I am excited to be back on the job. I am unable to attend church however. So, I am listening to Robert Jeffress at First Baptist. I came early this morning- almost as soon as I woke up. I am drinking a coffee and eating powdered donuts. I still support Trump. Despite being called a felon, he is the best hope for our country. Trump was the best President, and I am doing my best to make sure he becomes so again. Currently, Robert Jeffress is talking about the sacrifice of Jesus- how sin was that bad, that God had to send Jesus to die for our sin. So that we can once again approach God. I believe Jesus is going to return soon! Hang in there. This time is the beginning of the testing of our Faith!