Right now, i am listening to Bold Steps Radio , from the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. It is a radio Bible message, right now he is discussing the end times. Mark Joel. Today, i fly out to Seattle at 2:58 PM. i am reminded that i need to trust God. i have not flown since 2013. It is time for that to change apparently. i am excited. i will be flying up to Seattle. i will be travelling to Everett. i will be taking the Corrections WAPAT. i am applying to become a Correctional Deputy. The jails i am applying to are in Washington. Pierce County, Lewis County, and last but not least Snohomish County. i am so excited. i have not been to Washington in years. i just smoked a cigarette and let Max in. It is cooling down outside. It is currently 57 degrees outside. So, it is to cold for Max to sleep outside. i have allowed myself to continue smokin...